Tree of Savior Forum

Maven Abbey quest, impossible to complete

I’m in the middle of completing this quest: Gathering Divine Power at Maven Abbey area. The quest itself consists in protect a npc of not being killed for 2 minutes but, is totally impossible to me to complete, several monsters appear and just with few hits (5-6) make the npc die… I’m Sorcerer C2, Warlock and I fail again and again. I can’t get the agro of the monsters, they don’t attack me whatever I do and in a few seconds the npc dies, the quest fails and is canceled.

Guys, I need help, are you suffering this? Any tips, estrategies? I tried everything ._.

Thanks in advance.

Me too lol . Maybe we need more people like a 5 party to complete this quest .

Party up. Recruit a Peltasta or high damaging class. Perhaps the 280+ quests will really be difficult to be solo-ed. This is an MMORPG anyway.

I’m actually stucked on the part where the NPC needs to check some books on the northern part of Maven and I’m just waiting for shouts for that quest. lol

lol recruit a healer safety zone the npc and heal her , done …

i made this already its possible but not possible to solo!

quarrel c3 pretty easy to solo, just barrier the NPC(paladin skill scroll) 2 deploy pavaise at the NPC so the archer wont be able to hit her, calltrops at NPC foot so any melle that can get inside gets knocked down and keep running shot the f of those mobs, pretty easy to solo, i guess i made it 3rd try good luck. pretty sure for some classes its impossible.

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nope, archer and spear mobs 90% of the time cant get past the barrier for several seconds, the only real problem are NuO, thats why i said to put calltrops at the npc, u need a little RNG help because if they use Pain barrier they wont be knocked down and u r screwed, u just need to put lvl max pavaise at npc, keep killing the melle ones and refresh the barrier as soon as you can

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sure, just to prove my point logged in my 266 fletcher and soloed this quest right now using barrier… two videos for u, hope u stop talking about stuff that u dont know about.

kill archer, kill nuos, ignore lancer mobs and keep refreshing barrier good luck

ps: first try.

the start

the end

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i did it solo as an elememe and i used barriere scroll

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I finished this with my fencer, I just cced them, swash doesn’t work.

thanks for the tip and the vids mate, I am going to try with barrier scrolls :wink:

Done!! With barrier scrolls and killing those archers first.

Thanks all guys!! =)

done omg :slight_smile:

barrier scrolls ftw

Scout C3 here. Solo + no Barrier scroll. After finished I never go back to that map ever again. :joy: