Tree of Savior Forum

Mastema Balance on LinkerWarlock - Before and After

Hello! If anyone is interested I have one recording of Mastema before and after the balance changes on my LinkerWarlock.



I hope this helps ~


May I know what is the percentage of your Mastema Attribute?
And how is the subsequent damage calculation?
Does it always base on initial attack?
Let say if you activate x8 Chapparition cards on initial attack, then subsequent damage will be applied for 4s only? or it just half damage of whatever initial damage did?

60% attribute, Lv.10 skill.

Not sure on first hit / subsequent damage calculation. All I can say that the first hit is always greater than the damage caused by the debuff.

I also don’t know if the skill damage or attribute or anything else applies only to first hit/debuff damage. Prolly need proper testing to talk about that.

About Chapparition cards, as far I can remember each hit takes into account your M Atk, so that would mean using card before will only last for 4s improved damage and the rest of debuff damage lower (or vice-versa). I also would need to test this tho to confirm, I vaguely remember using Mastema then remembering to use a sp potion for the card buff only after the initial damage but that’s a quite long time ago.

Thanks, I also noticed there are 2 different damage on the ‘after’ video.
Is that one of it is holy type monster? that’s why you have 10k per hit (+100%) on it and the rest are 5k only.

If I observed correctly, it seem:
Initial Damage:
(Matk + Skill Damage) * QuickCastAttribute% * SkillAttribute%
Subsequent Damage:
(Skill Damage) * QuickCastAttribute% * SkillAttribute% (Matk is not accounted in debuff damage)

I will test it out as well when I’m free.

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I think it is the opposite, M Atk instead of skill damage, but need to confirm.

Mastema still wont hit flying enemies like the new one in Ktos.

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We can look up for that in coming patch, together with runecaster able to use all wizard tree skills.

wizard class nd rune caster only so far, not the whole tree.
Being able to use all wizard skills would be too powerful.

Available skill and skills on cooldown are the ones usble.

Hum… that’s sad. If you can only use wizard and rc skills this still quite useless.

If you read the developer blog,

^ This is where are we currently, only Wizard’s skill

^ This is in the KTOS now and may possible in coming patch with all Wizard Tree skill. Same to Warlock’s mastema apply on flying mob is here as well

I do truly believe that allowing the usage of all skills while giant is going to be too powerful and should never be implemented. Rune caster will be rank6 filler for ALL BUILDS cause it will be op as ■■■■. +20 movement speed double HP double armor on 100% uptime while using all skills? Thank god FF’s have cap damage on their blood explosion.

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