Tree of Savior Forum

Masinios Staff doubts

Hello there, I’ve been gathering materials to craft a Masinios Staff and i’m fairly close to completing it. However, I’ve been having some doubts now and can’t decide. (If it helps my wiz is the classic Wiz3Ele3War3 combo)

Currently I’m using a +12 Regard Horn which has served me very well for a long time now, it’s on trascend 10 too. I’m not very lucky when it comes to refining so I would aim to get my Masinios to around +11 (I don’t have access to diamond anvils too often). Making some research I found out that a +11, t10 Masinios has around 500 more matk than my current staff, plus the two extra gem sockets.

So here’s the problem, now that I’m close to completing it I’m having my doubts about if it’s really worth it, particularly losing the decent chunks of CON and SPR the Regard Horn affords. I was considering just completing the thing and selling it. If it helps, currently the most challenging content I ever do is challenge mode 6 and stuff like that. Any advice?

Not worth it. You can sell and buy and refine 5 primus staffs with the silver profit

You don’t necessarily need CON for any content in the game, but it is very useful for Velcoffer and higher staged challenge modes depending on how well upgraded your armor is.

Masinios Staff at +11 will have 488 more MATK just from the base stats, but it provides 628 MATK compared to Regard Horn’s 257 with INT/MAMP, so you’ll be gaining another 371 there for a total of 859. Add in two more gems (let’s assume level 7s) and that’s another 288 for a total of 1147 more MATK.

The only better staff right now is Velcoffer which sounds a bit out of your reach at the moment, or a 380 weapon, which is coming with rank 10 sometime in the nearish future. Some people will suggest a +16 Primus as those are relatively affordable lately (like the guy right above me), but those only have 562 MATK over a +11, which is actually less than you gain with the powerful stats on a Masinios Staff. If the +16 rolled very good INT stats etc, then it could be better, but that will only raise the price; and it won’t really be that much better in damage, you just might get CON or other miscellaneous stats.

Any amount of ATK gain makes a large difference, especially when it’s that much. You won’t be able to break down your Regard Horn Staff for Blessed Gems, as that feature was removed, so it will all depend on whether or not you can afford to trans10 the new staff and how much budget you have. You have the option of selling your current staff if it still has potential to try to get silver to afford your Masinios, but I wouldn’t expect to get too much for a Regard Horn, even if it is trans10. I think it’s a worthwhile upgrade, but it will depend on you to decide if the cost is worth it, depending on how much silver you have and how much you can typically generate.

Your alternative options are:

• Try to hold out for a Velcoffer Staff if you can get a group together to start running that content and can afford to reroll cubes.

• Wait for a 380 weapon that you can hopefully get to +16. The Masinios Staff may still be better than a +11 380 weapon due to how good the stats on Masinios are, but I don’t have the numbers in front of me.

• Buy a weapon someone else already made trans’d or upgraded well. Lots of people are currently selling equipment that is already refined/transed, and sometimes this is much cheaper than doing it yourself.

I hope that this helps, but feel free to ask more questions if you have any.

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If you have the mats, craft it. A crafted Masinios Staff sells for a lot of money. There’s another option, but that’s more risky: attempt to extract an ichor from it. A Velcoffer staff with a masinios ichor will be endgame weapon for years…

Tbh, if I could trade my +16 Masi Staff to Primus Staff I would do it for Con stat. Except you can’t Personal trade trans item. Con helps for non kabba/linker3 party,

Thanks for the answers everybody. I only need a few Nimrah Orbs so I’ll be definitely craft it, and I have blessed shards available so I guess I can just give it a chance and compare with both in hand. I didn’t consider the extra matk that the INT and M.amp add to it.

Maso weapons mostly suck, they’re whale traps and you can get a similar level of power with far less silver spent from a kitted out Primus, because you can afford to break a few on Anvils, and keep the best result.

There’s some exceptions, of course. Crossbow springs to mind.

Don’t kid yourself with the Ichor extraction fantasy, you’ll blow it up and lose everything. Ichor extracting Masos is for the whales.