Tree of Savior Forum

Market report function

From the incoming schedule patch note

If your item get report 5 times from diff acc you cant sell it

Does that mean if i have 5 accounts, 5 computers
I can manipulate the market however i want?

No because others will report your item too before it even sells :slight_smile:

It’s basically going to happen anyway.This is not at all a good anti-bot/RMT measure.


Might as well do what warportal did in IRO make all cash shop items tradeable and then players will sell that ■■■■ for silver atleast then but yet again people would rather live in a bot infested world than a p2w oh wait… I forgot i can p2w in anygame lmao just buy from gold sellers and get good gear lmao atleast if people are going as low to buy silver should be from the cash shop so the devs profit from it instead of some bots

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Yes but even just evaluating bots for them takes quite a long time.Many bots persist for weeks despite heavy reporting.

Now imagine adding this to their evaluation work load.By the time many players [especially new ones] get their listing unlocked and item back,this may have been the last straw for them and they’ve moved on.

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I will sell all my recipes and gear i find (whites, blues, purples and oranges) to the NPC after this next patch, i don’t feel like wait to be reported because i cant drop or raise the prices because of a stupid pricing range limit that cause lots of issues and don’t block RMT in any way.

When i sell i try to sell for the cheapest price, i generally put a 1-5% difference between mine and the cheapest item listed.

All hail the NPCs.

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No, and a Yes.

NO = there is Market pricing limit/range which is set by IMC. this dictates a price range on ‘how players appreciate’ value of items. in example;

If i am selling Petamion recipe at 5m, and i saw you (or someone else sells lower than mine) i can open 5-10 accounts and report those items in AH lower than mine to manipulate market.

However, as i’ve said. there is 'Market pricing limit" i assume this will be their 'BASIS" prior 'VALID REPORTS", if someone sells 4.5m Recipe petamion. and i reported it, that shouldn’t count as ‘VALID’, why?? because it is still at their “MARKET PRICE LIMIT/RANGE”. however, if the difference is TOO MUCH, that would be most likely RNGs are happening.

what should happen:

Dullahan armor fragment plays at 450k~550k in market
ANY value between 200k ~ 850k of Dullahan in market reports ‘WONT BE VALID’ (because it is still in their market price range/limit’
however, if it exceeds the said limit, in example. dullahan fragment gets to reach 5m (which is absurb) that should be counted as ‘VALID’ Report.


If what i assume above is wrong. IMC just did another worthless update.

Not even bots are able to list items outside the price range. The price range won’t be used at all in the report feature, because botted items already have a price range that is way above any reasonable cost. Like when Dilgele market price range was 20000~500000. But 99% of the people putting Dilgele on the market weren’t gold sellers but people that thought Dilgele is really worth that much.

IMC don’t want to pay for more workers so they will make the players work for them and report for free that’s it

God this just sucks… Seriously.

We live in backwards here in ToS. We have successfully approached the Old era, where silvers mean nothing and the only method of trade we will have is barter.

they better ban people that abuse these reports. real ■■■■.

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