Tree of Savior Forum

<Mandatory>INTERFACE - Scalling


It should be implemented, the UI is way too BIG or not adjusted properly, I understand you have long list of priorities, but not being able to see “all points of quest info” because it’s simply fading, or being forced to have skills up to 30% (height) of game screen is unbearable

Give us option to Scale the User interface to say for starters 0.9/0.8/0.7 or at least for some major resolutions(Full HD, HD) etc.

1-> 0.75 -> 0.5

Also it would be useful but not esential if we could move some parts of the User interface.

Also if you turn off the SPAM THAT GOES ON THE TOP OF THE SCREEN:

Then your MAP/Char INFO(left top corner) is not adjusted to be at the top, which is not good beacause there is much less space bcoz of it.


  • MAP/Charachter Status Window moved to the TOP (once the “spam on on the top is changed to bubbles on chat” -> chat settings
  • FPS counter moved
  • Quests moved below MAP
  • Buffs moved just below the Char status.

Simple things and it looks so much better and gives us more space!

Looks more professional sadly than the current ver. … It’s just so you can visualize what I mean, you guys have a potential, International players can and will pay but make it playable for this game’s sake.


Right please make this change it will help a lot of players.

Oh yeah, very simple changes that makes the game look more like p2p not some crap.