Tree of Savior Forum

Man I swear they hate Burrow

Not even compatible with Double Gun Stance?

What a bunch of jokahs.


Surprie your enemies by digging your own grave…

Trully The ultimate Rogue skill :yum:


They hate a lot of the earlier classes TBH. Totally forgotten.

They should’ve gone a step further with the “all new classes will be rank 8” and just compressed it down into like 3 ranks since you essentially choose 3 classes anyway in most builds unless you take C2/C3 of your base class.

Pray for more archer intense changes. You do it for your Rogue while I do it for my Hunter. :tired:

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Burrow died at rank 8, we got 0 good stuff to use with it.

Rank 9 wouldn’t be different

It died when someone thought of making a C3 skill not work with it own class :expressionless:

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Died? I thought it never been alive

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Don’t forget Wugu and Scout. Back to Rogue, I hope that someday Burrow is replaced by something actually useful and that they reduce Capture’s cooldown. There’s literally no reason for its cooldown to be that huge. A 60 seconds CD would be fair.

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Capture is op with the right skills and party…

sadly that is super rare (at least for me :expressionless: )

What I do with burrow is activate all my buffs and throw the debuffs before digging and throwing some distraction spikes xD

Just give it 0cd like all the stances ([kneeling shot] and [bazooka]) or at least let us jump out of it.

Or almost any other class lmao

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Sometimes burrow bugs and I cannot get out of the hole until I DC.

Funny thing is they never forget Running Shot though.

Have faith, am sure Burrow will rise soon…

in china :smirk:

You can use one of the emote macros to be able to use skills again.
Seems like IMC intended for burrow to just use crossbow+2hbow skills which most early classes have. If they ever bothered to add skills that got their weapon requirements changed like vendetta and fletcher skills I would at least think they cared about it, but there’s no hope for it at this point.

The new Running Shot +Burrow will actually work well,depsite the bad range

If Double Gun worked it could actually be viable

“If X skill worked it could actually be viable”

The Rogue C3 mantra :stuck_out_tongue:

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Im so frustrated about this. Rogue is such a cool Class. Lachrymator works so well with Bullet Marker, then we get cicle 3 and Burrow is just useless. I still think that IMC just totally forgot that Rogue and Scout even exists. Two classes that are worthless to get C3. Thats why people always have the same build. Most of them dont actually worth it.

Dont forget the two atributes of Rogue that work with Bleed and the fact that he doesnt have A SINGLE SKILL THAT ACTUALLY DOES BLEEDING ON THE TARGET. He uses a dagger to stab, does a super bleed with it and cant does a simple bleed. IMC is just the smartest company I ever met.

Wizards will get their balance and become more powerful that already are and the most of the Archers and Swords classes still sucks. Not surprised.


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