Tree of Savior Forum

Making Reset Potion Tradable

Hi there =D

I used to play TOS with my friend, a bunch of F2P players that wont EVER spend a dime in AYN game.

But I loved play with them and I think if it happened to me, might have happened to other players around.

Now I play alone, and the main reason is:

My friends that would never pay would never be able to reset, and being old MMO players their tolerance to spend hour and hour in order to make a build and find it shitty and have to spend another tons of hours and that 1st character is garbage, is very low.

Im trapped here (god damn you Final Fantasy Tactis, Ragnarok, TOS Designers) and I think a lot of ppl who quitted would come back if free players could buy reset.

In my oppinion IMC should sell stats/skill AND class tree resets. Oh boy those would sell TONS.

And by making them tradable, player base would increase and ppl who dont mind paying would make easy money selling those to free players, and those would be very happy and wouldnt quit the game!

Anyway just giving my suggestion, as the forum offered space for it.

Please comment and let me know if this is a good, bad or a STFU noob idea =D


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Delete the game and never ever come back. if you don’t pay don’t even talk.

the world goes on thx by money and even if the game is unoptimized still need money.

you’re the cancer of community.

i’m glad you’r firend not supporting the game ultra nerd 24/7 are gone form game. more stuff to farm for us.

we don’t care of quitted ppl that don’t provide $$ to game for make it better.

They are for IRL Money.


trade reset stat potion = more p2w.

already for f2p pleb not paying like you we got costume trade (lead to p2w) shard trade (lead to p2w).

we don’t want give more stuff yo your crap players that don’t even support the game.

delete and never come back. or don’t cry and put hands on whallet for something you LIKE and you ENJOY PLAY.

find me IRL Activity outside from read in library where you can have fun WITHOUT PAY.

definitely STFU idea.

edit: sorry forgot about lolopanther trade and other stuff for your F2P.

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sorry i’m f2p hater.

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tree resets are broken.
(STFU noob idea)

It will become a pay2win mechanic because players will get the easiest class set up to level up and then reset at level cap.

whereas players who didnt buy tree reset will have to stick to the hard way.

and even if they were tree resets were tradeable, people would buy silver from gold sellers than buy tp from devs because gold sellers sell silver at a cheaper rate such that you would pay more for reset by buying tp than buying silver to buy reset. (cause more inflation)

If you think that reset pots will attract them back then i think you are heavily mistaken, the people who left will come back if they fix fps drops and maybe ping or lag issues. I do not think they mind rerolling.

Its ok I didnt get offended, i actually payed for this game and others more than once.

I just also respect people that chose not to. It would be nice to have such a huge world more populated.

Thx for your oppinion but your arguements didnt quite convinced me, only that you are a F2P hater, that im pretty much convinced =D

Tree reset would be awesome, people who disagree are just the ones who already made aonther character to fix such things =D

Reagarding being P2W I think that somethins is only pay to win, when the only way to achieve it is by paying dont you think?

This is why i made this post, for me, skill reset is a payers advantage, dont that make it pay to win? So im into reset being avaliable for all, but since they need to make money somehow, just make them tradable =D

Actually the FPS drops only bother PVE or GVG oriented players, ppl who just like to lvl by quest and join TBL, isnt that bad imo. =D

stat is just minor problem. i got 2 stat res potion from founder packs, i used one at the early game on the first char i made (total wasted and now deleted).

the second one i used on a new char lvl 120 why i mystake to invest 8 pts in str. (too lazy to make new one).

really from the early access i lvled up 4 toons after lvl 200. (most of them deleted) and make even much more chars to lvl 120/130/160.

this game is class labyrinth, stat is just a plus.

even with good stats but wrong cicles, you need to re roll.

so advantage only more the ppl who buy the stat reset, and maybe sell it for silver.

you need 4 years of farm with 1 char saalus daily for 1 try RNG for +10 transcende.

if you pay speed up process so much that is p2w because in other way is like impossibile to get it.

if no one pay ther’s no game.

so we’re just paying for make you play, and for this IMC introduce p2w because 2000 whallet knight make 6000 player community play.

this is unfair pay to play would be much better and fair.

and again, if everyone like you not pay. there won’t be ToS anymore.

is very much selfish.

I think you didnt read the part that i payed more than once.

Im just saying that giving people the option to reset and do not waste tons of time once again redoign everything because of the class labyrinth is a good thing.

Not everyone has the time or the will to make tons of 200+ characters just to find out how things work or because skills/stats changed.

I know they need money and that would make a lot of money to them, ppl who are willing to spent heavy on the game would have a solid income from players cause reseting is never once, or twice.

I do believe that tons have quitted because they refuse to throw away hours of their lives just because a game wont provide them an opportunity to undo mistakes.

so what you’re asking is not a tradable stat potion, not even skill pot. but a class reset system (total not even last rank only) and maybe accessible to f2p player? that is an utopy.

not even me, for this since early acess now my “main is lvl 120” :joy: but is tree of class labryrinth if you don’t try don’t know. even if i spent monthns om forum and testing in game still got IMC’ed many times.

well they can make p2p game and introduce feature with LOTS of silver.

like 10/15 milion for rank. this could be fair, because ppl won’t change rank midnlessly only why there is new meta.

if you had to spend 50 mil to save your char (and waiste attribute silver invested) you will think about b4 class reset.

nah is because they don’t managed thing how are supposed to.

  1. FPS optimization
  2. Lag
  3. Cross server queue
  4. Better queue that allow you cross in the world while waiting for dungeon
  5. dungeon role queue like dps tank hel
  6. TBL team queue. (can be different from random, so team won’t fight vs single players (not in a team))
  7. balance of skill and ranks.

there is much much more reason enought to make 55k player quit.

most of ppl joined by Steam expecting a balanced and competitive game.

the dev team say: TOS is casual game, just relax and enjoy it.


being old MMO players
players that wont EVER spend a dime in AYN game

Uh, ok.

Yup the tree reset its totally an utopy =D

I think stats and skill would be achievable since its just 1 paremeter away for them to change in item database.

The thing is that almost everyone I know that quitted, of course all the other stuff influenced a LOT, but the last drop was not being able to fix mistakes that, as you said, are supposed to happen.

Anyway, it seems we have different vision for the game. =D

I just wanted to play with company, and I do know my friend can play a game for years and be relevant for the game it self, even without paying.

So also anwsering nfprivaron, you dont need to pay a single dime to be an old MMO player and experience a game fully, depending on the games monetization system. =D

for those 2 point i prefer pay 2 play.

most of case no shop, or if there is any is really ONLY cosmetic.

no p2w and no unbalance for a reasonable price of 10~13$ x month.

we’re used to pay 60$ for a new console game, when same amount can provide 5 months of p2p game. while the console gem end in 20/~100 hours (story).

p2p is the best for a competitive and balanced game.

sadly TOS is Casual…

Well I think MOBAS have proved already that you can make a f2p game be far from a p2w concept, but i think MMOs are still to affraid to risk something like that or even the MMO community itself seem to refuse such things.

Anyway I believe the majority of TOS players might think just like you so, thats why probably why my suggestion aint happening, but i had to try. =D

Imho this would be a fine feature that would make lots of players comeback, and keep some tired ones =D

man total different business model. i’m used to play Heros of Storm daily (Moba).

i spent only 3€ in the all time i played the game.

blizzard thanks me alot giving me a hero for free and also mount O.o

probabily was because is my 1st buy on the game, but for sure they know how to live with micro transation. they encouraged me to spend more money. (i had the impulse to buy more) but i didn’t.

also those game run very well, with a win game you earn 30 gold. for best / newest heros need 10/15k gold.

there are entire pack that give you like 5 hero + 5 skin for 50€ while is worth 100+, and also you find those pack in discount of 50/80% and you can pay it just 12€ or 25.

that’s a way to make TONZ of money and keep the game balanced.

already League of Legends, with the rune system pages etc, force you to invest more money in the game for smooth progression. (but still not p2w at all).

when you have tradable items, BOT, RMT, the scenario change drastically.

also market economy ecc…

sadly a MOBA business model in any MMO in 99% of case is a fail because don’t provide enought money, because they can’t sell heros or stuff like that, or expansive skins.

MOBAs are called MOBA for reason, they’re centered on player vs player gameplay and proper character balancing that no P2W can ever get into since most cash grab offers are premium cosmetic only skins, outside RMT payed carried matches.

quick ways to fix the game.

Provide test server where you can try your build.

make p2p so remove rental item, and blessed cube. add back to shop all costume.

introduce weapon skin.

introduce legendary class skin that change the visual effect of skills.

introduce more stuff to make money without compromise the game balance.

I think there is an MMO called Path of Exile that isnt p2p and is totally now p2w, there are tons of way to make it happen, but i guess its too late for TOS since they screwed up at the beggining.

Anyway ill keep on playing till my next build go wrong, then ill prabably wait till all rank are out all balance is made, but then again, im affraid wont be anyone else left of game will be closing down =(

Btw servers are back, shall we? =D

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Original project say lvl 600 is max lvl. so we’re very far away from this.

also couting we had 1 new rank x 6 months, we still need 6 more ranks before the real endgame come.

6 months x 6 ranks = 3 years b4 the full game is released.

probabily in 3 years we had next generation game with VR and ToS will be totally out dated MMO.

also p2w mechanics…

but man you say from p2p from p2w? this is worst thing ever pass from pay to play to pay to win.

it also happen to TERA.

when big mmo are greedy and want more money, they go for f2p.

or if the business is going wrong they do the same.

ATM i think 2 best games are for PVE FFXIV, for PvP Heros of Storm.

ToS can have great PvE and PvP… but… but… is Nexon and IMC… so no hope for us.