Tree of Savior Forum

Making Alchemists more useful in parties

Wall of text ahead.
As everyone knows, Alchemist is mainly a crafting class. The only combat skill they get is Combustion, and it is really terrible (beside requiring Dig to get those materials to start with).
Worse yet, even if we were to consider its crafting skills, one thing is obvious: there is no reason to have an alchemist in party. Potions can be bought from the market, and all the other byproducts of its skills are permanent anyway. You can get them in a city, and that’s it.
While we do lack its third rank as yet, there is no reason for a player to keep an alchemist as a main character, or even just levelling it further than its third rank. As a matter of fact, with nothing to show off in a combat setting, you would be better keeping it as a secondary char and just making some other, more useful character for the latter ranks.

One way to fix this issue is by giving the alchemist some skills that are useful in combat, while still retaining the overall theme. They tried to do that with Combustion and Dig, and failed. Beside requiring a ton of points Combustion isn’t that good, but even if it was, a character interested in doing damage wouldn’t do an alchemist to start with. There are better alternatives, after all. Thus, my proposal on the matter:

Remove Combustion and Dig, and implement “throwable potions”.
Alchemists would be able to craft throwable hp,sp, and explosive potions. And use them via skills. Throw Hp Potion and Throw Explosive Potion would be given at rank 1, and Throw Sp Potion at rank 2. All these skills would have no sp cost, having a cost in stamina instead, and average cooldowns. They would have 5 levels each, with each level decreasing the cooldown on the skill. Their effects would be fairly straightforward: launch an hp potion, and you do its effect in an area (so an initial one and another over some time). An explosive one would do damage over an area, and so on.

Obviously, those potions would have to crafted. Since it wouldn’t be possible to choose the level of the potion you would launch, they may just have a single level and require Tincturing lvl 1 (for consistency’s sake, since you need it to craft normal potions). Alchemist 3 could have a toggeable attribute that permits to craft and use more powerful potions, or even just give a straight bonus (because you shake them when you launch them, and, uh, alchemy happens, and they’re better). Essentially something to make them better in comparison to the previous ranks’ ones, so that second ranks aren’t as good as third ranks, potion-throwing wise.
We could even have the skills use the best potions available and have their levels determined by Tincturing, but unless they’re made untradeable, people could just buy them and use them with an alchemist rank 1 or 2, defeating the whole point of having latter ranks. Sure, there could be attributes restricting what levels you can use (up to level 5 at rank 1, up to level 10 at rank 2, no restriction at rank 3). But it may make things unnecessarily complex, and it would make balancing the skill more difficult.
Anyway, you should have got the gist of it. Here ends the wall of text.

TL;DR: read the whole wall. It’s about throwable potions, anyway.


Throwing potion is dumb. You don’t throw potions, you throw bombs.

I like this idea. The thought of healing someone by smacking them in the face with a bottle full of heals or some broken glass covered in heals is great. Also its much better than combustion and seems like it would be fairly easy to implement with existing potions.

Throwing potions isn’t exactly an original idea, i know. I mean, even Final Fantasy Tactics’ chemists could do it, and many other games had similar things too. Regardless, it would be coherent with the theme of the class.

About the technical implementation of such an idea, well, that’s up to the developers. I thought about having them as skills so that one could specialize further into it, if he wanted to do so, at a cost. That is, the points he would need to spend into those skills. Like you said, they could have something similar on alchemist 3, but it would still means that until then alchemists still have no place in a party, and that you’re essentially forced to get all the ranks of alchemist to be useful. Whereas by having it in the first ranks, with some attributes to make it better in the later ranks, you can have a gradual improvement.

They could tie the throwing skill to potion ranks. For example rank 1 can only throw rank one potions so you would at least need 10 points to thrown the lvl 10 hp and sp potions.
Maybe have an attribute to rank up the aoe range for the potion effect. Or at add a small percentage effect to the potion. Something like 5% at max rank healing or sp recovery on top of the potions effect.

Just forget it guys, this class for money making is an straight opponent to greedy IMC
If they made it viable, many rmt alch and their bots will fill the game.
So its easy to disable a class than deal with rmt.

As for skills you want to be implemented - its not IMC can do it.
You need to write to Korean devs.

IMC is the developer. They just also publish the international version.

I mean those IMC staff that read this forum.

It could be a way, but it would essentially force a deep investment into Tincturing upon the class. That’s something i wanted to avoid, and why i proposed multiple separate skills with low max levels. One isn’t even supposed to take them all, but if he does - spending a third of the whole alchemists’ points budget - he can offer some support and damage in addition to whatever it did. Or spend less points and more on crafting stuff, but that’s a choice. Essentially, it’s about giving some means of being useful that’s not extremely costly, skill points wise, but that still requires a noticeable cost (with noticeable returns) if you go full on it.

Good point.
/20 characters

I think I understood more of your point. And I agree with it.

The idea of having one skill (‘Throw’) with attributes, or multiple skills (‘Throw Explosive Pot’; ‘Throw Hp Pot’; etc.), is something that depends on how they would implement this.
If I got your idea right, multiple skills would be way more interesting, you don’t need to focus on offensive alch, you could be a support alch, and by levelling the skills, you could earn some bonuses (+dmg; +heal; etc.), or even just a full craft alch, it opens the possibilities.

And for the fact that maybe there is something like that on alch 3, it would be easier to have a change (said skill goes do c1 [or even c2], and something goes to c3)