Tree of Savior Forum

Making a cryo again

Well I just come back to the game and I found that monster become stronger even in siluali or I become more weak. But I found really interesting that my cryo have more power of CC than before but now I’m trying to put some classes with it but still don’t know which use , I use to have cryo Chrono sage and was pretty fun because sage has good damage skills , but now aren’t that good and Chrono doesn’t have haste so I found disappointed with this 2 classes.
I already test Taoist elementalist and elementalist seem really weak now and Taoist is fun but many skills with few damage in my test.
Featherfoot was really good for my , I fly and heal my self that was helpfull but my damage was crap kundela slash doesn’t hurt and is tooo small AOE.
Interested on test is alchemist, RC and pyro but I want to hear your advice about builds and maybe let me now if I was wrong with that class coments.
Thanks to everyone.

What is your level and how long have you been gone? Sage and Taoist damage are not bad, at all. Ele was nerfed but it is still viable. Is there a chance your equip is really weak?
You wont be able do wipe monsters out as you did before. All high rank classes got nerfed and low-rank classes got buffed to an even state. IMC wanted them to scale as a rank 6 class, so you might feel weak but it is intended. The game is not yet balanced, we all know this but they are trying i guess…

Anyway, as for cryomancer… there is no formula i think. He is mainly CC so it pairs well with almost anything. When you choose your build Keep in mind the synergies: lightning damage is stronger against freezed enemies. Psychokino gives a ton of CC too and wall + PP combo is still alive. If you use Ledas necklace, pairing Cryo with Omi is not a bad idea. Anything with summon should be good since they can freely attack + Summoners are the classes that have the least CON in wiz tree and Cryo has the highest so it balances nicely.

Also classes like Pyro that has no direct synergy with cryo might end up being great in a Cryo - Kino - Pyro build, for example, because both has good synergy with Kino. (and this is actually the build i use)

cryo kino ice wall memes are back.

im running cryo, kino, tao, freezing bosses and using taoist skills are pretty good

I run Cyro, Psykino, Onymoji personally.

Well my level is 334, sage use to deal slot of damage with dimension compression and micro dimension. And Taoist is confuse for me idk how to use it maybe and I don’t test it rigthly.
Maybe my equipment is weak but idk what use now at my level jejejeje. And there is no option to use Chrono? Is to much nerfed?

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I run this build on my “Ice Mage” and I can tell you it is amazing. The crowd control is great. Damage is great from Psychokino and Taoist. AOE is there since all 3 classes hit a pretty wide range. If you are looking at taking down bosses, Creeping Death Charm x3 overheat on a boss that doesn’t move absolutely destroys them. Ice Wall+Psychic Pressure is still fun to use.

I don’t like kino I’m looking for something different.

IW+PP still melding bosses? Idk I don’t like kino

Cryo + Taoist is definitely a great combination. Taoist Tri Disaster Charm boosts Fire/Ice/Lightning properties, so it pairs extremely well with Cryo. Furthermore, Taoist has really good AOE from Eradication and single target damage from Creeping Death Charm.

Not sure why you don’t like Psychokino but I guess people have different preferences. But of course let me just share my experience of using it. Of course you know about Icewall+Psychic Pressure combo, the magical thing about this is that it freezes Saalus bosses now (not sure if it freezes other bosses). Cryo+Kino combo has the best crowd control. Freeze + Heavy Gravity’s slow + Raise + Gravity Pole’s hold + Magnetic Force to gather mobs. Additionally the damage is pretty good.

Another good option would be Pyromancer. As mentioned earlier, Tri Disaster Chamr boost fire skills and thus your entire Pyro tree is also essentially boosted with Taoist. Pyro has good damage and good AOE as well. Basically Fire/Ice/Lightning combo.

cryo-ele-tao is fine. Damage may not be great, but they have good synergies to boost it.

Chrono lost haste, it has 0 damage, literally 0 damage, Cryo CDs are not that long so synergies with cryo is meh. I mean, why would you slow freezed mobs? If you want to go full or almost full support you can get chrono, why not? Chrono pairs well with sage tho…

EDIT: about your equip. Don’t worry about it now. Soon you will be at 350 and can change it to something better :wink:

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Which synergy have sage and Chrono? Yeah freeze and slow aren’t good, I test last nite but I try Tao again and was really good but I die so easily idk what class put to solve this problem XD

Sage skills do 50% more damage to slowed enemies.

Edit: Cryo is the best defensive mage xD. It encourages the use of shield and has “high” Con modifier

Good morning to all, I have beer testing new build but now I choose my class build but I need your advice. I’m cryo Tao, but I need to take between alchemist and Chrono, but are really good in my playstyle, but I can’t choose one I want to know which is better for solo raids and farm and maybe do some high end content because I’m more occasionally player.

I would think Chrono would be better. Chrono gives pass which is really good for DPS either for yourself or for party. Frost Pillar + Pass allows you to freeze bosses like saalu bosses for really long. Also, Creeping Death Charm x 3 + Pass = 6 which does a lot of damage on a non moving boss. For easier solo and high end content I would prefer Chrono.

Alchemist can provide HP/SP but that’s about it. It isn’t really a PVE class although the Sprinkle SP potion is good in this high SP consumption meta. If you want Alchemist you probably would want to switch out Cryo.

I think on alchemist because it gives me more survive that is a important think to my self and Chrono just give me resurrection in that aspect