Tree of Savior Forum

Make untradeable items storageable

So this is kind of a big deal in my opinion. I’ve read different topics about it and I still don’t get the reasoning behind it.

I do understand why IMC doesn’t want items to be tradeable easily to other peoples characters but honestly why can’t I use an item that i farmed myself on any of my OWN characters whenever and however I want it?

Why can’t I be allowed to make a pvm character to farm gear with for my “not so great” pvming characters that i wanna use for pvp.

The game itself is already frustrating sometimes with all its limitations and restrictions for trading etc. but having restrictions to get gear on my own chars is kind of a nogo.

If - for example - I’m doing the 240 dungeon to get virtov items and some rare item that my class cant even use am i supposed to sell that RARE item to the friggin npc? I dont see the reason behind that. And the bad thing is there is a big amount of items that have this restriction that are considered endgame gear.

So to sum up please make those “untradeable” (not the quest rewarded ones) items from dungeons “storgeable” or “account bound” so they at least have a purpose when they drop.

I myself have a lvl 244 monk rn which is rather useless but I’d still like to get it higher to do things like ET etc. but since my other chars cant access the items that drop there its kinda useless to do so. And honestly i’ve put quite some hours into that char so yea i reroll but why should it have to be completly useless?

tl;dr: make untradelable items (from dungeon/missions not quest rewards) storgeable or account bound please


I support this idea straight on.

Yea, it makes a lot of sense !
Wanna trade the virtov set between chars !!!