Tree of Savior Forum

Make ToS Great Again!

Well, I doubt that a game which went from 53k peak to 8k peak players in… 3/4 months? looks healthy for any newcomers.


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Players feel entitled to these things for legitimate reasons, though. The leveling process is bugged to crap and boring as effe. If you mess up a build (or they change the game, hahaha) you are given no opportunities to readjust the way that literally any other company would do if they were the reason for things going poorly.

The game is designed terribly and balanced equally poorly. I could literally make an entire thread listing all the counter-intuitive/productive game design choices they have made so far (hmmm…). There are things in this game that make no sense, and players are completely justified in feeling like they aren’t getting the gaming experience they were hoping for.


You’d be better off posting this at /r/treeofsavior. Tree of Savior forums is a ■■■■■■■ joke.

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You just argued for my point: if the game is subjective, then everyone is entitled to their opinion of what is functional and what is broken; what they enjoy, and what they don’t. If people are unhappy about spion 1-shotting them, then, by the point YOU made about the game being subjective, they are correct.

The big difference between people who argue that I’m wrong, and the MANY points I have made in the Blue Spion thread (Considering the Blue spion archer) is that I actually have illustrated detailed reasons for why I feel the way I do. Basically the only counter-arguments I have received are “get gud,” “go play a different game,” and “just grind,” none of which address the issues I have detailed with those “solutions.”

Yes, games are subjective matters, but the ever-declining player-base and IMC’s track record of poor decisions that are causing that decline are objective facts.

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This is the best solution to my problem yet! :smiley: Maaan you know what’s UP.

low pc requirement, you can have 32 vs 32 still have good fps.

It’s so damn easy to buy a token or an enchanted hair costume ingame. I bought a Token before level 100… so yeah, it’s free to play.

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You can’t argue that a game is subjective and then say that an argument about said subjective game is invalid. Otherwise it’s not subjective. You’re just being a hypocrite now.


What if I told you…that tokens don’t just naturally appear in the market place? :0 That tokens have to actually come from somewhere? That in order to put tokens into circulations, someone, somewhere needs to actually purchase them for TP?


Just a question though, when was TOS great? I don’t remember it ever been great…

It was always great in the hyped minds of the hopeful, eager players just before the game was released. longing sigh

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I agree that ToS is an amazing game, but it won’t ever get anywhere until it gets all it’s game breaking bugs sorted out.

When a new player joins this game, they’re faced with the party cutscene bug. They learn the work around, and are eventually faced with getting stuck in their abilities due to another bug.
They deal with it, level their char some more, and are faced with the map not showing the freakin map anymore bug.

So they open google and use that instead and move on.

BUT THEN… They lvl up, try to change jobs, and are faced with the no class selection bug! And their character is now dead, and they have to re-roll or quit the game.

This is the ToS experience. Literally, the ToS experience. There’s an entire video about it floatin around on the reddit atm and on these forums. It’s absurd, and no average gamer is gonna stick it out through them all, only to re roll, and have it all happen again.



Well, that for me lasted a few hours after release. I couldn’t log in either server for a good couple of days and I was always the 1000th in the queue. That alone destroyed the game before even exposing all the bullsh1t and dodgy conduct by IMC.

It doesn’t make a game p2w anyway. I can buy tokens to sell, then I don’t need to farm. It’s different than a game that makes the whole community feel obligated to buy Tokens from the TP Shop.
Even if no one sells, token doesn’t give advantage to the point of being p2w.

From this point of view the only thing that is a little p2w is the hat enchantment.

Anyway, I played Allods for more than 2 years. Anything seems f2p for me now =P

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No, that just makes it unheard.

It’s not. With 30% exp bonus, more market listings, more mission/dungeon runs, +3 movement speed, less limited trading, and premium gestures…that’s quite the difference.

And after playing again after a while without all of those things from a token, the push to buy it is definitely there.