Tree of Savior Forum

Make it possible to report chat bots from chat window

At least I couldn’t find this being suggested already:

Currently you can only block those few gold sellers who still use the shout chat to advertise their sites. It would be nice if there was also report option for gold sellers when you right click their message on chat window, similar to how you can report farming bots by right clicking their character. When they use shout, or quickly spam on towns and then log out, you can’t find them and be able to right click their characters to report.

This chat report option might make it faster to get them reported and banned.

Abusing this system for racist purposes should be punished severely enough and the report threshold should be adequately high. And maybe it might be wise to wait until SA server opens before implementing it.

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I did search only the Suggestions sub-forum. Because of all the spam, Staff might not be able to see it being suggested in General discussion. It seems I should have made forum wise search after all because feedback section indeed had it suggested already. Oh well, at least now it’s suggested in the Suggestions sub-forum too.

I kind of doubt they aren’t actively monitoring full 24/7 on every channel (normal spam is channel limited) and they probably do other GM stuff at the same time. Do you have any sources to support your claim other than your assumptions? Because it would be rather tedious work and costly too if you hire someone do it during EU and SEA power hours as well and not just NA. No one trustworthy would agree to actively monitor the chats for cheap during nights every day and one guy wouldn’t be enough for all the servers.

And why do you assume that I meant these reports should be clumped together with the bot reports? It wouldn’t be that hard to make these reports go into different category with the reported message saved/highlighted from the other chat log.

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when i started playing this game, even the chatbox was delightful on “shout messages”
now it’s gone to the point , players can’t talk to each other due to the chat bots filtering their Garbage about selling RMT

–>on an out of the subject Comment, i searched their website
about how they talked about how what they are doing is for
the sake of making the game more fun for others and
get a good living out of it, pure of Hypocrisy and idiocy

i kept looking if a subject has already been made.
i love the report use for bots and the influence level, i found that to be delightful.

many problems i find with trying to come up with a way to Give players the power to …
wait, i got an Improvised idea right now. tell me what you think.

Regular idea we all know paragraph:

the greatest source of activity in a game are the players. just like the report system and influence level of a player when reporting, it becomes a great way To stop bots, and helps the game masters or admins to easy on the workload of dealing with other things than being stuck dealing with bots all day. and every time we require to think of a way to Avoid players from abusing such a power that should be considered a privilege that you can lose if you miss use it. also admins checking a case by case situations of players would be unlikely since there’s so many players and scenarios to be dealt with.

having this in mind.

So there’s a way to give the power or “influence level when reporting a bot”
Love it.

what i’m thinking is of a way to Suspend the bots from chat filter
in the following manner, is just an imprivised idea, you can tell me what you think.

  1. all players have a Limit Lockdown for a specific amount of hours
    made by Other players - for bot purposes-
  2. putting a limit break that deals with that lock bar, once reached
    that player who is spamming nonstop will NOT be able to Use
    the chatbox for ANYTHING AT ALL other than just reading what
    is happening in game.
  3. Let the Players decide. since this is a privilege you could consider
    this power to be a Code of ethics in game that all players
    Have to follow and Shall want to follow, like a test by admins per say,
    if it works, then we could attempt working with this idea.
  4. given the amount of players and influence level of players who report
    macro bot players you can set a system that works with both as a
    require amount of each. [the admins could decide on the details
    of this method]
  5. like a Vote system, when a certain amount of report influence of players
    and players, should be a method that’s easy, and quick. without being tedious so tedious while waiting for all players who are using the “Shout” system. players don’t want to be stuck All day doing this either,
    so ideally it would be something that you would want to do either way
    if you want to talk in Shout chat for those who want to make it happen
    regardless of time.

put into excersice.
say there’s 30 spammers on chatbox at a high speed going Up.
you have the option to open a new window where you get the option to use
a highlighter that would activate while using a specific key when
picking up those names going fast. on /y
once you see that no more new names are coming up, but are just
repeated names spamming, you may Use Said box to “vote for Mute”

once said Required amount of votes are meet, that spammer will become
unable to use chatbox at all for a specific amount of time.

if the players WANT to clean the chat box, i believe they will do it
even if it meant just spending 15 minutes just to be able to mute
the spammers for a weeks time that they voted for or 2 weeks.
how long would they stay muted would depend on how high
are the amount of spammers being reproduced Per every 24 hours.

a-how long would you take on this vote system ?
b-will players want to go through that much time doing this?
c-how many hours or days will they be mute to avoid this from becoming
a tedious task for admins or players like ?
d-how would the limit break of votes be decided ?

This is a Working idea, if you like my idea, i hope for you guys
to help me fill In the blanks.

i think it’s doable if the details are discussed.
if so players do agree with it, i would like to request a Poll to see if
everyone likes this idea and Make it happen.

thank you for reading.