Tree of Savior Forum

Make Arch Stone fragments local drops in episode 13 fields

No he is right about that- if that where to get implemented as lazily as other field drops are in the game; it would only be abused by bots and IMC doesn’t have the man power to monitor every server 24/7.
However there are a ton of other ways to make Arkstones a lot more accessible but they all would go against the philosophy of what I’ve been able to deduce from all Korean MMOs.

Just from spitballing of the top:
A better Ackstone system

  • A player can either field farm or do CM for a guaranteed ticket to partake on a Grand quest (only 3 tickets can be gained per day, account wide)

  • The player gives these tickets in to an NPC in a major town and depending on how many you give the difficulty and end rewards will scale 1 to 3.

  • the quest require you to complete 3(1 ticket) to 9(3 tickets) tasks that range from any location pre ep13 to either kill a multitude of mobs, collect set respawnable meterials and/or complete puzzles by traveling from coordinate to coordinate on a map

The main point of these tasks are that they are completely 100% random thus non-macroable; a player will find these tasks easy but they will need to actually play through them to complete them.
Im even sure a lot of the people reading this can come up with even more random tasks from other games that also have quests or tasks like these but I digress.

  • After a player finishes the quest, they are rewarded with 1 to 3 (difficulty dependent) any colored Arkstone shard out of 6 colors which are all tradable on the market. The same NPC can be used to exchange shards to new colors at a 1:2 ratio and a silver cost.

  • When a player collects 30(this number could be lower or higher, idk) shards of the same color, they can create an untradable Arkstone depending on the combined color.

  • To keep this content relevant after a player has the Arkstone they need, the ticket at the beginning could be used as a trade-in for other useful character progression items like anvils, blessed shards, Brikinite, attribute points- and since you can only obtain 3 tickets per day account wide, its non-mass farmable.

Just something to note that this probably has some plot hole in the design but I’ve only been thanking about it for less then half an hour, with the criteria that its non-bot abusable and all player progression friendly.

Inc rant:
If I came up with this half-assed suggestion, what in the **** do all the people who get paid working on this game do to come up with the current dog system we have at the moment instead. The only answer is that it would probably go against some maximum profit criteria spreadsheet rule that all current Nexon games follow. If the game feels more like a game then a gambling simulator it isnt doing something right in their case.

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The problem with the value of the arch stone fragments is in the quantity
of end-game items that need it to be manufactured.

  • Demon / Goddess Set (lv1 ~ lv3)
  • Karaliene
  • Ark

Remove the arch stone fragment of the recipe from the sets.
Pass the value of the arch stone fragment to the manufacture of the arquenium in the NPC (Currently costing 10m).

drop rate would be 0.02% as stated in the original post, which is the same drop rate as skill gems. It’s low enough that you still take quite some time to get one but it makes sense.
If you set the price ratio at 40m, for the servers with the most bot activity it would no longer be viable for botters to attempt selling these fragments as they would be above market price value.

About the getting bored and quit issue:

  1. People get bored and quit because they are walled by the Arch Stone issue. They also quit by the fact that there is no access to the golden ichor kits that is always available (only events and leticias cubes, which are not always there, so the prices of golden ichor kits are too high for the demand that new players have due to the very low potential of vaivora weapons, goddess/demon items and level 440 primus equipment in general), so they are stuck at rerolling savinose dysnai with magnifiers (which are also quite costly in acquisition).

  2. People still have the progress of creating lucifieri accessories (which requires transcending their karaliene accessories to T10) and upgrading res sacrae as well as upgrading their legendary cards as progress left once they have their karaliene set crafted.
    Lots of people also have the ark left to boost up to stage 10.
    There is still plenty to do once you’ve reached karaliene status, so why would you quit suddenly after finishing this?

Their lives will certainly implode at the current rate. KTOS is losing more and more players, people have enough of the monetization of the game and the lack of a future perspective for the development.
So far there has been no developer roadmap for 2021, feedback from the developer board that addressed serious issues has been deliberately ignored and left unanswered, there is yet no sign of the internet protocol change that has been promised.

KTOS is now showing signs of a stronger decline and that trend will probably continue.
IMC didn’t monetize where they could’ve done so easily (selling golden ichor kits, golden anvils, art tomes, maybe even arch stones for low amounts), they wasted too many resources on new content patches introducing new systems that they then abandon quickly, they do not seem to recognize the abilities of the already introduced features (treasure hunting mechanics in the old field dungeons, collections, field gimmicks, party quests, etc.) that could be easily revived with little effort and introduced to new maps as low-cost content patches and they didn’t continue stable monetization via TP shop costumes for certain classes.

It seems IMC has been clueless that the original plan of monetization drew in all the people that opposed loot boxes and gambling and when TOS then went straight to loot boxes and gambling as the original monetization plan no longer worked because their incompetence led to a massive player loss, they lost more players in the progress who could no longer compete without spending lots of money monthly and chase the top tier meta builds.

Rather than having a simple annoyance removed for the enjoyment of the people, you think that the current policy of no transparency which agitates the established players and at the same time drives away all the new players who are not willing to invest 40-50$ right off the bat without ever having seen endgame is the solution?
IMCs management has driven their employees into a corner, there is no communication with the real developers through the KTOS board, just the management, who double down on their stance while throwing the players a bone every now and then.
They even reduced the answered questions maximum from 5 per month to 1 per week so they don’t have to deal with all the issues, which led to people reposting their entries every week.

If you want to blame someone for the situation and the insecure future, it sure is not a player who just wants to share an idea about what could lead to a better situation of the people stuck in midgame.
The whole reason why you even have the ability to pull this card against my argument is because IMC drove the game against the wall already, which is why one could argue that such a small subtle change has a chance of tipping the game into chaos.

Fear not!
Tree of Visual Bug to the rescue!

Jokes aside, archstones type sys where only rich and geared people have more access to them is just bad.

The most absurd thing about archstone fragments: on Fedi, I bought an Overload ichor for 95 mil recently to complete my set… and the only archstone fragment on sale in the market was at – you guessed it – 95 mil.

This would be easily fixed by making the event kits permanent and not expire at the end of the event. Last time I got 50 of those expiring on me, that was heartbreaking…

i once saw a dina bee botter storage full of honeymeli skill gems with 0.02% drop rate

hahahahahahahaha! How naive you are!
I dislike botter, but i despise more someone who is all talk no action. Go on then, fly to korea, apply job at ktos and change tos as you theorize above, and prove your words to us!

Even if you are right, CEO of IMC will be responsible for their bad decision in the form of required compensation when they have to layoff the TOS team. You, on the other hand, despite being very correct, still hold no stake and accountability for any decision.

(and if you are wrong, you don’t need to pay them a cent… oof feels good to be keyboard warriors)

And of course you must be correct and people who explained why they disagreed with you are all idiots, cause you are the center of this universe and the almighty online God. Shoot me an email when you are leading a company and releasing a better MMO.

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Off I go, this chat isn’t what I should have joined.

Satou: has left the chat.

It’s actually kind of fascinating reading this thread. To be so blind in your own progression that you defend such a sorry, ridiculous, and fundamentally broken unrewarding system. Wild.

I can’t say I entirely agree with field-dropped fragments, but I think weekly fragments via quests is a better alternative. Either of the two is a good step in the right direction.

That way (for my idea of weekly rewarded stones specifically), there’s a bare minimum per week you can progress without spending all your money earned on mb fragments, and giving the whales that already have plenty of money even more they don’t need.

This should have been a system long-since implemented the moment they decided to place a weekly cap on CMs, Sing, and instance-based content in general, especially since their entire reasoning for that change was to draw more emphasis on daily-play and daily-progression.


Bring back Goddess Zemyna on top of ET, give her a hard quest which rewards with one archstone fragment every week. Problem solved.

@GM_Francis i think that you already take a look of this post but i mention you here because i cant know it.

This post had too much replays and i think that it should be listen.

Moreover (and obviously) i’m agree with this post.

if they really implement arch stone as field drop, have fun competing with bots who can teleport anytime anywhere and AOE-1shotting everything

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