Tree of Savior Forum

Make a minimum of 2 clerics on DG by the Search Party

[Let your like, so they can see if everybody think the same]

Make a minimum of 2 cleric type on the type for the DG when player enter for “search party”.

Today the healer of the party told us: “lets rush the boss, or I quit”, so we had 2 options:

  • Be with bondfire and pots (and spend because one guy dont wanted to press the simple key of heal alone, while we make exp for him).
  • Rush the Boss.
    So everybody quited instead (bad for the healer that wanted the reward).

Beyond a swordsman, I am a healer, I had a monk too, my main character at the moment (yeah, tree of monks, monks everywhere), and I know how is to heal and be healed, and heal alone or depending on one healer, is the worst.

We saw here one of many situations where all the team is injured because the healer sometimes dont have cleric 2 with a great area of heal neither mass heal of priest, so all the team have to complete with pots/bond fire, or somethimes they simple dont work as the class sugest, and dont heal properly the others. Or the healer receive a Disconect, because stackoverflow of the memory ram, or because the internet.
As I said, I’m a healer, as I dont have much DPS, I simple heal, and when I’m alone, its very dificult. But then sometimes we have 3 clerics on the team, and plus the buffs, we have a super team.

To stop this being luck or not, just put a minimum of 2 clerics. Even if this take 2 more minutes to enter the DG.

Now if people like to stop, rest, use pots, while they could very well be finishing the DG if one more healer had appeared, is their choice, but many players dont like to lose time or silver because of luck.

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I dunno about 2 healers, but it’d be cool if they did instance matching the way ffxiv did. You would queue as your respective role and wait until the matching finds the rest of the roles.

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I’m against this. 2 Clerics is suboptimal, 1 Cleric is perfect. And I rather have short waiting times in queue than waiting for a second cleric to show up.

Also if someone wants to rush that badly, just rush with him. You only really need to do a dungeon a few times for XP, then you do them 50+ times just to get Arde Dagger or another rare drop. You don’t really lose that much by rushing.

I’m also for one 1 cleric.
2 is too much.

I’m ok with the current que. It would be a problem if there will be no clerics available it will just prolong the wait time.

Just report the trolls in dungeons:

you can never have enough clerics

You guys read when I told that this completelly broke the DG if any thing happen to this healer, be a bad behavior, a proposital quit, disconect or who knows what else, right? Have you really even read what I told? Or you guys have problem to think about it??

This changes nothing. They can just quit as well, and its not a bad bahavior if they dont want to make they part, is just that the game make him too much special since only him is on the party healing.

I dont understand what you wanted to say. But as I told. 3 Clerics on a team and any other DPS will make the team be a killing machine, specially with the carve owl of diev right positioned.
While on other side, the other team with only a cleric without much “power” of healing, will make the DG very dificult.

Of course you dont read it. While nothing of this type happen to you, you all dont care about the others.

Another thing about ffxiv queue is that you can vote kick a member and it will search for a replacement mid-dungeon.

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Nah, I was kidding on my post, but every time I queue on my cleric it’s always at least 2 clerics, so I guess it’s mostly what time the clerics on your server plays. And that’s a 4 man cleric party.

Tell the cleric: “why would we want a cleric when rushing boss?” then proceed to kick him out of party

1 cleric is good enough. If you don’t have one, adapt and rush boss instead.

Dungeon exp is overrated. It’s only good if you have a random match making party, and a cleric, and some good DPS, and a tank as well.

I never grind any dungeon for exp up till level 230, let see if dungeon level 240 is different.

lol pls .i am actually kinda against this "2 healer before party search starts"

considering higher lvl dungeon,u have a high chance of NOT having a cleric at all.
so the party search would reroll nonstop ?
i rather just deal with it and move without a healer,anyway u are suppose to bring some pots with u in case of emergency,healers are just that for convenience and safety precaution.

can u imagine if i have a exp tome running and i have to wait for the timer to roll for a healer,
there goes the exp tome that potentially could be just nice for a boss exp boost :confused:

When someone quits the dungeon or doesn’t agree to do full over rush, it always ruins the run. It’s not specific to cleric. Might as well ask for always get 2 swordsman, 2 archers, 2 wizards…

Many groups don’t even get a cleric at all and still somehow manage it with potions and campfire.

The penalty of having to wait significantly longer because every group would only start if there are 2 clerics is just too big for the small benefit that on the off-chance that a cleric wants to rush and the others don’t that the group still has another cleric left.

You don’t even lose that much XP from rushing. Time lost waiting is worse.