Tree of Savior Forum

Major Bug - No sprites visible for characters, only a few textures visible for surroundings

Note: This bug has already been reported, but has not been solved, I’m just giving some of my own input.

Bug Description :
I installed the game as normal, and patched as normal, but when the game starts up I get a black title screen with a cut-off “S” on the side of the screen (Can’t put a screenshots because unfortunately I can’t put more then one).

But that’s not all, I also get this in-game-

As you can see, I’ve started the game, but it’s annoying because everything takes longer to do and it not the best to look at.
I tried re-installing and verifying the integrity of the game but nothing seems to work.
I hope this gets noticed and that someone can help me and the other person who posted the bug (I will link his post).
It’s most likely my graphics card (because my specs are ancient XD), but I truly hope not because I would love to play this game to the extent that its meant to.

Game Control Mode: Auto


  • CPU : AMD Sempron LE-1200
  • RAM : 3GB Single-Channel DDR2
  • Graphics Card : NVIDIA GeForce 6150SE nForce 430
  • Storage : 298GB Western Digital WDC WD32 00AAJS-60M0A
  • OS : Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit
  • Country, Region : United States, FL

The other post regarding the same problem: MAJOR bug : No sprite, i'm still able to play, but only with life-bar

Need to buy sprites from TP shop. One for free if you get the pack of 10 (certain skills not included)