in a long long journey of chain quest… IT ALL END HERE at Septyni Glen (lvl 55)
the barrier is always active even though the required quest is already done…
the requiremnts is to kill the two bosses… like the image of the two statues that binds and lock the Goddess Saule…
even though theres a solution… a BUG vs BUG… and a bug must be fixxxxxxx
by the help of cyromancer skill Ice Wall then other players go Teleport (backspace) and then pass the quest to Goddess Saule its Quest Complete…
the problem is… if the ice wall disappear and you only pass the quest then GL…
coz the next is have a conversation with the goddess and it DOESNT HAVE A TELEPORT (backspace) and it means you cant do the ice wall and then tele again… (here where im stuck)
and if you are lucky and done this things (pass the quest and having a convo with goddess)
congrats =.= GLHF to continue with the chain quest…
next is the PORTAL and … just read it here i guess =.=