Server : Telsiai
Team Name : Mekael
Location : IrredianShelter Ch2
Approximate date / time (EDT) :
Evidence https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jSy7q5Zq0B4 - | Let Ban BOT |
i saw him, still have 1 macro bot more, guild BmRyo or something like that
Hello again @aimeryo992,
Thank you for reporting. We will investigate the reported player as soon as possible.
Mods are completely incompetent in their jobs. It really is IMC’s fault overall. Remember that they won’t even claim they have bots. They call them “24-hour hardcore.”
IMC is killing their own game.
IMC is killing their own game.
IMC is killing their own game.
IMC is killing their own game.
IMC is killing their own game.