Tree of Savior Forum

Macro / Botting (Vedas Plateau, Fedimian)

  • Server : Fedimian

  • Team Name : Stallone_

  • Location : Vedas Plateau

  • Approximate date / time (EDT) : 19th of November, 2016

  • Evidence

YouTube clip:

His party had 2 more partners who also botted with him and his entire guild (TheRED) is full of these botters. He is not in the guild right now, but his friends are. It’s a known Russian cheating guild on the server.

He, and his 2 friends, spent more than 16 hours there doing this with 3 people. This is most likely his 2nd account to do it with.

They have since left the area. This is their way to skip Alemeth grinding entirely and to bot later on in new areas.

He wrote back to me, which means he’s only using macro / bot program to cast his spells. They even managed to spawn a Grim Reaper into the area later.