Tree of Savior Forum

Lvling 85-90? where to go

Done all the quest I can see and went to all maps around my lvl. where to now?

Grind at Royal until 86, then go to Stele Road. At 90, do NOT use your cards and do the instance for level 90s.

Exp curve resets at around 85 or 86, its only going to take you around an hour to get from 85/86 to 100.

I have never grinded and never missed a single sub quest, exp just comes from quests and running dungeon. Have you finished your quests in gytis settlement area / Myrkiti Farm / Aqeuduct Bridge / Tenants Farm?

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yeah I did all of those quests. But I do recall that when I did go th rough Royal mausoleum I feel like I missed some quests. I saw Things I could be able to interract with but wasnt able to . Ill run through the dungeon again and double check. Other than that I’m sure I did all the quests. =)

levelling guide icbt2