Tree of Savior Forum

Lvl 10 gem abrasive, we got it babe!

And people were calming themselves by reminding everyone its only 0.6% drop chance.


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And the almighty P2W has just began…

Btw, to all those who do Uphill everyday just to get a chance of humble lv2 abrasives, how does it feel?


to be very honest, the chances are really low, but it is there yes.

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there is already someone on my discord who got 2 practoniums with very little cubes opened.

I only opened 2 cubes to get that.
The first cube was not much, the second cube had the abrasive and a diamond anvil.

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opened 10TP and got lvl 9 abrassive lol

I got one prac and 2x lv9 abrasive with 300tp, 0.6% my ass

LOL it’s going to be a fun two weeks with bless shards porti arti crashing down in value.

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30cubes, 1x diamond anvil 3x lvl 9 gem abrassive here 1x et reset

“Honestly it’s not a bad thing.”

Oh, the innocence of new players.

…and much much more. Telsiai’s shout is super flooded with these.

Meanwhile, this guy is stuck with an untradeable, non-storable Sissel Bracelet. YOLO!

Those were some really adorable pictures, and i like your ign :slight_smile:

Humble one 10+1 cube for a warm up. Not too shabby I guess.

BTW, I’ve noticed this always happens when they release something new, first ones get the better stuff regardless of it %, then everyone else gets exited and buys, another scam of strategy but for those who want the juicy items, may better open those new cubes right now and not tomorrow.

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Yeah, sure. Black helicopters.

They could be adjusting rates on the fly and there is no way players would know. There could be some sort of threshold to hit before good stuff drops. Point is this sort of video game gambling isn’t regulated in most countries and can be easily rigged.


Yes, as a matter of fact they do adjust things on the fly, in one occasion I loged in just after maintenance to check if everything was ok with my skills (because they always mess up something) and Cyclone time was wrong, told the GM in Fedimian an fixed it on the fly.

Bottom line, those percentages may be anything right now.

it’s pure RNG, i opened 200 cubes and got no practonium nor lv10 gem, just 5 lv9 and 2 diamond anvil

22 cubes
1 level 9 abrasive
5 blessed shards.
Some other stuff.

This should drop the price of shards even further.
Hurray for the cube liberating us from Transcrapdence. If Trans reached 80k a shard we made it.
If the monster cube could give a Linkroller card…then I’d be all up in this…

I feel like the rates are a lie.
Shards and Hethren Badges are very common.
The remaining 70% stuff is eh?

Well I’ll take a break soon enough to prep for Stormblood.
I presume this will eat away at inflation when I return.


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