Tree of Savior Forum

Low IQ Monsters (Vubbes) o.O

Why? hahahaha and there are with High IQ(Gifted Monsters)? Someone knows? :laughing:

go read some Isekai novels. Vubbes are pretty much the same as goblins.

Yeah, but i mean they are a threat because they are expanding their territories and have low iq. People on real history wanted to expand their territories! That makes them idiots? hahahaha

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Nature/Evolution. They’re smarter than apes, but not as smart as humans. They are primitive, like humans were thousands of years ago when we were hunters and gatherers. When you look at our history, we’ve done some very stupid things, barbaric things, things that we would today consider completely inhuman.

That’s where Vubbes are. They’re advanced enough to pose a threat, they’re smart enough to organize and attempt to conquer, but they are as stupid as humans were long ago, and that makes them dangerous. Low intelligence/IQ and power don’t mix together, it’s like giving a 4-year old child a loaded gun to guard the house and then being surprised to find your mailman and other 2 kids dead.

Nice one! But we still doing very bad things.