Tree of Savior Forum

Low fps around people and monsters

Please fill in as much as you can :

Date and Time(Please, specify the timezone) :
Everytime I go near other players or monsters
Server Name:
Team Name:
Character Name:
Bug Description :
(letting us know what you were doing before, during, and after the bug happened will help us a lot)
I get low fps when I fight monsters or walk through the town
Steps to reproduce the issue :

  1. Go to a dungeon or a field with monsters
  2. Towns

Screenshots / Video :
(attach screenshots or videos regarding the bug)

Game Control Mode (Keyboard/Joypad/Mouse) :

  • CPU : i7 6700k
  • RAM : 16gb ddr4
  • Graphics Card : gtx1080
  • Mainboard :
  • Storage : samsung evo 250gb
  • OS : windows 8.1
  • Internet Connection :
  • Country, Region : philippines