Tree of Savior Forum

Lost 10000 attribute point tickets from team storage

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Date and Time(Please, specify the timezone) : After June 25th maintenance

Server Name: Fedimian

Team Name: RoketTakimi

Character Name: Kuri

Bug Description:

I’ve got 5 x 10000 Attribute Point Tickets in Team Storage before maintenance. They are lost now.

Were these “expirable”? Not only most of the stuff from events have a time limit (7 days, 14 days, 30 days…), but now they added 99% of the time the “will be deleted at the end of the event” mention to force you to use those event items during the event. Happened to me yesterday – all my magnifiers, enhancement coupons… got wiped from my team storage after the maintenance.

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Event end many weeks ago and it was in storage. Also those tickets (and event description) does not indicate that will be expired. Some of my friends has still those attribute tickets in their storage.

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