Tree of Savior Forum

Login issues anyone else?

Printscreen button on keyboard. Sometimes have to hold ctrl or alt also. Saves to your clipboard. So right-click, paste wherever you wanna drop it. @neo_redshark

edit: beaten

ok I got it. Thanks.

Pasting the clipboard content into Paint or whatever does work fine, but just in case you’d still like to know, the directory where screenshots would go (assuming a default Steam installation) is:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\TreeOfSavior\release\screenshot

yeah imc is sht… can’t keep anything going… bugs every fking week


Login Error - Klaipeda
I even redownloaded and verified the game thinking it might have been me. But I could login to every other server as well. This is what I get for taking a nap!
Also when I was last in the game, it was having real bad lag spikes as well.

Haha, I did that too, it must roll back files though, cause it redownloading a bunch afterward.

Noticed checking other servers, I apparently get copies of my DLC on Fedimian and Telsiai server too? weird.

Hi @neo_redshark,
Thank you for providing a screenshot regarding to this issue. We will forward this to our dev team for investigation and proper fix.

We can only request your patience and understanding as our investigation is on-going.

Everybody!!! lets do this!!!


Hi @sivpraxis,
Thank you for providing a screenshot regarding to this issue.
We already forwarded this issue to our dev team.
We can only request your patience and understanding as our investigation is on-going.


Same issue as well…

same issue here too… sent a screen shot of the error message in a ticket.
:cry: now its the waiting game again

Wow, I had 15 dungeon rushes to do and I wasn’t able to get any done because of this. I haven’t been able to login for over an hour now.

Thanks for wasting a full day’s worth of dungeons, IMC.

sadly is the same for me 9 dungeon runs and dailies gone =/

Yup, same for me too please IMC I can only play around the early morning hours…

Typical bot reply. Even in forums. There are bots.

Been like this for 2 hours :frowning:

Would you try logging in one more time? We’re still looking into the issue but at least most seem to be able to connect again.

ok i could log in now thanks

the bug is back, everytime I tried to log-in this error suddenly just pop out