Tree of Savior Forum

List of magician skills greatly affected by Joint Penalty?

I’m currently a lv 51 Wiz1>Cryo1>Linker1.
So far i’m loving it, Joint Penalty is a great skill for singletarget skills, especially if they have splash damage (like Energy Bolt), however i’ve noticed that some skills, like Flame Ground are not doing the double/triple/whatever dmg provided by Joint Penalty if all monsters are hit by the same aoe (like Flame Ground)).
I’m not sure if fire ball doubles the dmg if both linked monsters are hit by a fireball (too bad there is no damage chat log).

Before deciding what future classes i’m going to do (my plan was Wiz1>Pyro1>Linker1>Ele3>Warlock1, but i’m flexible, as long as it’s fun) i’d like to know which magician (aka wizard and the following classes) skills greatly benefit from Joint Penalty? I guess Electrocute and Psychic Pressure are still affected by Joint Penalty.
Could anyone provide a list of all magician skills that still greatly benefit from it?

Considering you haven’t received a reply and I just happened to see this post:

Linker’s Joint Penalty has seen a nerf regarding its damage sharing, as you saw, Flame Ground is no longer affected. Certain “true” AoE skills no longer trigger additional hits. I believe Frost Cloud of Elementalist3 was affected by this as well, but I cannot say if it’s been undone ever since it has received an AoE attack ratio recently.

Thank you for your answer. :slight_smile:
It would be quite useful to have a list which skills are affected.
Do you know if fireball is still doing multiplicative hits with multuple JP target or did fireball get nerfed aswell?

Best skill for joint penalty would be Electrocute for several reasons:

  1. electrocute is a single target skills that jumps around to different targets - with JP each hit of a linked monster propagates to other targets.
  2. there is electrical damage attribute on JP that increases lightning damage modifier by 50% (if you hit enemies that are weak to lightning then JP’s 50% damage will add to weakness bonus to total of +100%).

Does anyone know how Magic Missile interacts with Joint Penalty? Do all 18 hits get shared?

I’m another Cryo-linktric currently at Ele 2 currently and i really like it. I know we’re not as popular as the Wiz3/Ele3 combos but i find my own fun with it.

For joint penalty, Electrocute is great as stated above and you’ve probably already have realised that Frost Spike is completely amazing. Frost sphere works really well and ice bolt can be pretty good.

For AoE skills like you’ve mentioned they dont get multiplied by those in the AOE but what i have noticed is that monsters outside the AoE range that are linked seem to take damage as if they were in the range as well (this may be position lag so i cant say that for sure). Also not 100% sure but meteor seems to be affected by joint penalty.

As for other class skills i couldn’t really say but a lot of people with your build go sorc as they have a pretty good synergy too.

Number of targets that meteor hits is affected by character’s + skill’s AoE Attack Ratio. Hangman’s Knot Has attribute that decreases monster’s AoE defense ratio allowing Meteor to hit way more monsters (even outside of link) than it was supposed to.

Basically Linked/Knotted monsters are free targets for Meteor.

i was referring to the damage but yeah HK’s great for that too!