Tree of Savior Forum

List of issues regarding Sorcerer

If you have issues also regarding sorcerer feel free to comment.

  • Lack of information regarding skills.

  • No unsummoning skill (you have to right click in buffs section to unsummon, which is inconvenient).

  • Boss cards can only obtain through field boss or quest.

  • Horrible AI of Summoning and Salamion.

We can accept the SP-eating in summoning, but if you cannot improve the AI, the SP used will be nonsense just by a summoning that doing nothing.

And why based on the % of SP, for a summoning that only do normal attacks (if not riding) and have horrible AI, i think it’s too much.

every card is shat except temple shooter please don’t forget that.

and obtaining card from field boss and quest is totally fine don’t be a baby and ask them to feed you everything. the only problem is trading card can only be done with card battle which is so weird i can’t even.


Speak for yourself. Constant draining without allowing our SP Regen to have a place at all is pretty hard to justify.

It’s actually pretty easy to justify.

If SP regeneration was allowed, investing into an SPR build would allow someone to just AFK with Summoning on and “bot legally”.

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Bokor can sort of do that already.

There’s always ways to make it work with SPR. Like adding a duration to the main summon too. then you can’t be just afk. Or making that the summon doesn’t attack if the player hasn’t attacked something in a while, etc. there’s always ways to balance out something.

Summon drains mana in %, so spr build won’t work.

bokor is a pain, zombies ai is stupid. u always target ur zombies and use hex and effigy and drain ur sp

The biggest joke about Sorcs is that they can buy an attribute that increases SP regen.

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Temple Shooter is a class, that thing called Sorcerer, what is that thing even doing? :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

I think it’s sad how Temple Shooter makes everything else useless.

On topic
A thing i thought about is that SP% cost should be different varying on the summon, obviously Temple Shooter would be the most expensive one as its the strongest summon atm.

And really though, the other summons needs some kind of tune up.
It really has me wonder why ToS were given summons that are so bad Sorc’s are better off not using any summon at all(until getting temple shooter i suppose)

even temple shooter is not that good. summon in general are useless except for their awesome tankiness there’s no merit to them.

Necromancer too.
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Well as a TempleShooter Class what do you think of your “Sorc Summon”? :wink:

Opinions of a humble Templeshooter: “Hi my name is Templeshooter Card. So about my summon. Mine is really lackluster… it has no mana reg; uses pots; drains silver; his weapon doesn’t even help me but i like his high Intellect. We can discuss educational topics the better his Int is and then i am more happy and do more dmg. And the best thing is if he is not leveled my “Sorc Summon” can’t even bid me to do anything. I rumble around the pretty landscape and like to hit inanimate objects and see my SorcSummon go into rage. Sometimes i even shoot into the air to look where my arrows will fly. And sometimes it really bothers me that its so hard to get a proper education from my Sorc Summon. I need 54 Cards to learn everything i need to get my “phD” but the stupid Sorc just told me he can’t get them because the other Playersummons cannnot give them to him because they glue it to their album …o something like that… and if he plays with them for cards he cannot even influence the outcome.”


indeed one of the biggest joke in dat world