Tree of Savior Forum

[List] Boss Cards and Effects [Discontinued]

O.O I want that Pyroego. That would mean almost no need for SP pots :sweat_smile:

Pyroego Card + sorc cat = ???

Isn’t that an ET boss?

What if I level this up to 10?! Is that going to increase the chance of reflecting?

Someone know location of Bosses Nuodai e Unknocker?

Any info on the Blud/Yeti card?

No info on new bosses yet. Probably will be added to the game as new worldbosses, or are bosses of new missions. OR will be bosses from Earthtower upper floors.

Earthtower boss:
5f = Pyroego
10f = Gosarius
15f = Turtai
20f = G’bb

Hmm… I hope they come soon then. I rather stat cards with con/hp and use stat points on dex than the other way around.

Werewolf Card is bugged with Backstab. When you hit from the front and the Card works it reduces Backstab by 50% R.I.P Rogues

What is with Minotaur card? I’ve heard they’ve beed removed or disabled. Does any one have one?

hey guys, can u help me … 1 ★ = 1%? 10 ★ = 10%? or dont need leveling the cards ??

Your post was almost two weeks ago but…

Math still adds up if it was 1% def per star.
147 * (1.01) = 148.47
147 * (1.02) = 149.94
Final values are floored of course.

Edit: just tested on a high def character, still adds 1. Makes you wonder which card is bugged - Golem or Nuale.

With 1 star cards:
At 478 def, golem gives me 1
At 509 mdef, nuale gives me 5

Most likely Golem. In kTOS, Nuale started off as flat, but was later changed in an update to percentage based within patch notes.

My test was certainly flawed since I used it on a char with 100 def (making the 1% increase equal to 1 def). However I tried equipping it on another char with more def and the golem card indeed grants +flat.

Hope golem card gets updated soon.

Hi, if a card says "[star]%, it means you boost the card by leveling it to get more stars’.

If a card says '[card count]% it means you don’t have to level it, but you need to equip multiple same cards.

thanks, but if a card say star, and i equipe multile same cards lv 10
this stack??

Yes. In KToS they can equip max 5 x lvl 10 cards. We will probably get it.
So don’t use more than 5 card lvl 10.

For example 5x ellaganos lvl 10 = +50 Dex.

Caution: if a card is [maximum star]%, only your highest lvl card will count (only 1 card). Example is Specter Monarch card = [maximum star]% chance to recover 10% SP when defeating devil type monsters.

I got a glass mole card from the silaiui mission where you fight that boss. It dropped directly from the boss and not it’s cube. I’ve yet to hear of it happening with anyone else so it must be exceedingly rare.

nah ive seen several drop directly from bosses, its just a pain winning the round robin roll

  • Has anyone seen an Reaverpede Card yet from the saluus canyon mission, still haven’t seen one on Klaipeda yet…sigh

Yep got a glass mole and gray golem card.