Tree of Savior Forum

Linker Spiritual Chain and Hangman's Knot

Hello guys!

Am i the only one who’s having issues with the skill “Hangman’s Knot” ?
This skill doesn’t always work, btw i think the Spiritual Chain Passive (Spiritual Chain:Duration) isn’t working too.

this is happening only with me, or someone else is having the same problem too?

Btw, English isn’t my native language, so take it easy :disappointed_relieved:

When you were casting hangman’s knot, did you ever see a text go up from one of the mobs that states “Resist” or “Resisted”?

If that was the case then it’s normal. There is really a chance for Hangman’s knot to be resisted and it won’t work at all.

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Hm… i’ll check it out, thanks about the information :heart_eyes:

About the Spiritual Chain Duration seems that reduce cooldown of the skill instead of increase the duration of it

:sob: but in the description says that should increase the duration…

Well I’m not so sure about that regard as all the information I know about linker right now is from a friend of mine who has been a linker since iCBT2 haha