Tree of Savior Forum

Linker Questions (regarding bugs(?) and c2 skill)

  1. Joint Penalty. I not sure is it a bug or what. Whenever I link the targets, after my team damage the targets for awhile, the JP will gone by its own before the duration ends. I think I read someone discuss before. But I need confirmation. Does it have a hit limit or damage limit before it gone by itself? Or its purely a bug?

  2. Hangman Knot. After i drag them together with this skill, either JP will very fast gone or the mobs gathered will bounced back to its own spot if nobody use cc on them (frost pillar / fire pillar). Bug or server lag? or intended to work this way?

  3. Spiritual Chain. I am not a c2 linker so I m not sure how it works. From description it said that members can share their own buff to others when linked. Eg. Wiz3 quickcast can be shared among the members linked. (i know attribute are not shared so no need remind me) The quickcast buff will appear in my own buff slot? Because this game have 7 buff limit for wizards. Basically priest buff already took most slot over. How if get spiritual chained? Will my buff gone over 7 and get overwritten?

  1. Has a hit limit of 10 * skill level. It also tends to break due to knock ups (earthquake), terrain level difference (as in slopes, platforms, etc), and distance (when link targets are too far from the initial target)

  2. Bug caused by server lag

  3. Yes it will appear on other people’s buff slots. Buffs can get overwritten. You could get a Daino scroll if you want to add more buff slots.

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Oh my god so it really does have a hit limit? oh my god but really thanks for telling me all these useful info! very appreciate it =)

2 Some monsters tend to spread up immediately even after HK, like puragi. And elmas just love to do their jumping smash even after HK so don’t stay close.

Also, the list of shared buffs is extremely liimited:

Cloaking Scout C1
Guardian Peltasta
Gung Ho Swordsman C1
Restrain Swordsman C2
Quick Cast Wizard C3
Running Shot Quarrel Shooter C3

Attributes are not shared (so there will be no +50% damage from QC).

there’s a bug where the link ends when one of the linked targets die.

Not just one of the targets, but the first one you cast the link on.

Gotta love how no one’s talking about physical link not dividing the damage but just sharing it… no wonder why IMC havent fixed this bug since the open beta started… just make me regret taking linker 1 in my build.

I’m surprised the list is so short. Is it worth it to take spiritual chain even?

I’m never using it. Only when the party needs to rush to the boss without being stopped, even then the chain is very unreliable as the first set of stairs will break it.

Use the search button lol.