Tree of Savior Forum

Linker now have 10 limit hits count and the problem is

Imc did you really know what have you done with linker

You just kill the linker class. this is too much for linker
Linker have no damage skill. only thing they can do is linking but with 10hits count and22cd did you ever try to play this?

Think that in late game when the monster have hp like 200k(or more) hp so what could linker can do in late game
Especially ff class they lack of aoe skill so they need linker class to cover it uppp but in this situation ff is such a really bad class right now

I can say that you have absolutely noidea what have you done right now pls think about it again

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It doesn’t state anywhere it only got a 10 hit count, only a duration.
Then again, my JP gets unbind a lot of times for no reason other than mobs running away before I use HK (or earthquake…).

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Knock down skills, especially Earth Quake are known to break links. They have always worked that way.

Tested, it doesn’t break after 10 hits for me. Tried a bit over that (14ish), no dice.

That being said, I do feel like they nerfed linker a bit hard. I never played CBT so I don’t know how it was before, but linker is somewhat subuseless in dungeon running now. Joint penalty seems to get randomly resisted/cut off in dungeons (is it because aggro is everywhere?), people say it DOES break randomly for them a lot, and the cooldown just is so long that I usually can’t link enough for me to be efficient to the party. this is coupled with me trying to save my links for larger mobs as well, and your party generally refusing to work with you to take the mob off a vertical slope.

I get that people said a linker nerf was necessary. and from what I’ve heard I agree, but as the OP said, there are no attack skills and the sole purpose of the class is to, well, link. Plus, we’re useless for bossing. It’s better for wiz right now imo to drop linker and add to the dps by going other routes.

Can confirm that Linker’s Joint Penalty lasts more than 10 hits. I have a topic where I take feedback from other players and compile it to centralize how Linker has changed and try to prove/disprove things about the class.

[LINKER] Status in the international release (As of April 8th, 2016):


Eah time i have an linke rin dungeons or party.

I go crazy as ■■■■.

I can wipe out a whole group. As 10 hits *mob count get’s spread to them after being linked down by hangmans knot too.

Linkkes stti god.
Nnt literally extrem op.
And you might want to use big hitting single target skills, not auto attacks on them~

But yes.
I like the changes.

Makes me happy.

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Are you drunk? :innocent:




I was eating and writing with one hand to each task.

And drinking…
Apple cider tastes so good to salad.

But yes.
If anyone ask, i wrote it as joke post… wont change it too.
Don’t question it!

walks off proudly

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oftentimes the animation will cut out but the effect will still be there if you look at the debuffs under the monsters name

I dont know how often this is the case though

Linker is still very good… Especially with archer parties. Archer parties rely on linkers. Both to share Running Shot and to make their single target stuff AoE.

Here is an example of archer party composition:

The only change is that Joint Penalty’s CD was increased and Hangman’s Knot’s duration and CD was increased. Everything works the same, save for Joint Penalty’s AoE defense decrease.

I’m a archer player.

So yes.

I love linker~

The funny fuzzy warm feelign you get.
When you null a full mob of enemys in a dungeon, in one multishot charge.



And broomtrap works fine with it too xD.

I think that the class is fair. In dungeon tho Join Penalty gets randomly unlinked.

However, the skill that shares damage i think it doesnt work as intended. It allways make 3 links and the damage distribution its not done properly.

Everytime i use dungeon queue, i always pray for a cleric or linker. As a wizard class, i really need a linker to kill range type monsters. So yeah, for me linker is one of the most needed class in dungeon. :smiley:

Oh? I’m glad then, I was just basing this off a personal feeling. I can link up to 8, and feel pretty bad when my links break and my party is sitting there thumping away at a mob because they didn’t expect it. Or if we move so fast I can’t keep up cooldown wise and they mob expecting me to link. lmao.

It just seems better to me to add to total dps by going elem, for instance. Then you aren’t stuck firing weak attacks at the boss stages, plus the overall kill rate should still be fine, and you can keep up with your party’s pace. Yeah, linker makes other people feel strong, but I’m unsure how worth it it is in the whole picture. I could be wrong, though.

Then again, as pure support, I guess I have more issues with this class than others who are more balanced. and trust me, @others I know about the high single target damage thing, and I definitely know how well I would work with archers considering how often they ks me heh

@Darumy I see a lot of wiz class with 1 linker class on their build. It is still useful hehe. I don’t know the perfect class for wiz that should be paired with linker since i haven’t tried it but partying with a linker is still convenient. :wink: