Tree of Savior Forum

Linker Necro - Hot 10 List?

Hi all,

Can anyone explain why this build is on the ‘hot 10’ list / if it’s viable?

Asking for a friend as who was heading towards this build, but has been told the summons would destroy the links in no time?

I don’t play Wiz so thought the lovely kind people on the ToS forum might be able to help. :grimacing:

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Wizard 3 for surespell and quick cast for necro skills. Flesh cannon in korea has 2 overheat, so it is a more viable dps option now. Joint Penalty + HK + Magic Missile is also a strong combo for trash mobs.

People say summons will destroy links in no time, but it’s not really that bad. In most cases, you will be able to fully utilize your link (aka kill the monsters with w/e burst) before summons break the links. After the summoner buff patch, sorc summon will also be strong enough to kill things with the links so it’s no big deal.

The only issue is this is more of a solo oriented build, whereas a cryo3 summoner variant would fit in better with a party/ET/solmiki content.

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Still meh imo. Unless they give back linker, flesh canon easily breaks link before you even finish casting it. Link + mm combo is strong but you have no other dps option for link resistant mobs unless imc releases the summoner patch which wont be a case for a long time now since they are busy with updating leticia’s cube and updating their cash notes.

That is why cryo 3 is better than that at the moment. Linker support is just tooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo limited because of how imc patched that class.

Their excuse? Balance. Lol


Thing is necros need Wiz3… So people are trying to figure out what to put inbetween to make necro viable. That is one of the better builds since sorc pets do hit like mac trucks in kToS with riding skills. Jump off spam two flesh cannons, jump on pet go do pet things.

That all said, Necro3 in particular is a trash option right now, since the flesh meteor is buggy and difficult to use. Without exploding your Shogg the AoE size is one of the smallest hurt boxes in the game. To blow up your own shogg it also has to be directly on top of a particular part of their body. The targeting is absolute dog ■■■■.

That said cryo3 is also trash without chrono and doesn’t lend it self that well to summons.

The linker in that build is largely a pointless filler because there is basically nothing better to stick in there. If nothing else you can at least gather the mobs with linker1 and get some bonus dmg.

Coming with the brand new kToS patch Thaum1 will have more viability because of a static 300sec duration on swell arm. In combination with swell left’s shrink attribute it’ill become a viable option.

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better go wiz3link2necro3 for that necro route (which int nuke necro nowaday)
sorc1 is trash for that build

for full summon get cryo3/pyro3 instead u won’t rely on flesh cannon so much
even summon dmg buff patch isn’t come to steam yet, your job is aggro and stick them with frost pillar
and put your dildo dirty pole in middle to -mob max hp and let’s other kill them (shoot flesh cannon if u have time)
decay from dirty pole + shoggoth + flesh cannon is hidden op vs very tanky mob, many ppl won’t notice

btw u can access full of decay option at necro c1… lulz

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necrolinker was really really strong before may changes screwed up JP…

flesh cannon is nice and all but necro1 does the job just fine with partial charge, no need for wiz3 unless you want a full charge of lvl15 for some reason. link3 with necro1 does more dmg (outside of party) anyways.

link3 lifeline is worth noting… if you go full int for whatever reason, a full SPR party member, and have necro3, you can use ally SPR to empower your summons

cryo3 sorc1 necro3 is overall better than necrolinker, especially for party play. ice tree + sorc aoe ratio => flesh cannon can hit lots of things

I agree most of you’re statement, Necro 3 is currently underwhelming and linker is kinda doing bad at the meta tbh.

Hm, although I’m not sure how cryo3 is useless without chrono. With the tree, It really helps the summon to damage a lot of damage as fast possible and also effectively use their skills. Considering AI is still stupid but it helps it.

God people still spread this information? Cryo is a great support even without chrono. I can list other classes with synergies with cryo but oh well. We are still stuck in 2016 I guess.


Fine I’ll clarify: For necro builds especially necro3 Cryo3 does not lend much to you. The build performs poorly outside of particular groups. What you’re looking for is a chrono and someone that can shatter your ice wall effectively for you. When you have that you’re fine, you’re 3 ranks of cryo3 are useful.

Outside of the above though you’re giving up Wiz3 synergy with necro, being able to cast spells while getting hit and quickly firing off FCs, and MMs. What you get for it is a frost pillar you get to use once every 4 pulls assuming you’re clearing a pull in about 12 seconds. If you went sorc2 you’ill pretty much not bother with your cryo spells outside of FP/IC combo because just sitting on your summon with riding and thrashing things will give you better clear speed.

If you’re a necro3 it’s even worse because you don’t have your riding skills. You’ill actually be trying to use cryo3 for general clearing. In a PvE situation see the above but now take away riding… So you’re actually sitting there trying to kill groups at 330 with Ice spike+Ice bolt/IB combo while casting slow FCs (probably when you do get off a FC you’re not gathering mobs either. Because you’re interrupted unless you manage to freeze all of them). Why would you ever subject yourself to such horrors?

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cryo3 sorc1 necro3 … full SPR summoner type…
*aoe ratio from sorc1 cat helps allies hit your icewalls, helps your flesh cannon…
*ice tree suction helps counter horrible summon AI… it makes it super easy to land flesh cannon ON EVERYTHING, flesh strike, and dirty pole.
slow flesh cannon? as cryo3, why even fully charge that? just get it lvl4-5, and charge the bar to 1/4th and let loose…

wiz3 ?? necro1 builds are rather strong. but I find it strange that anyone would want necro3 with wiz3, especially considering the incoming summons buffs.

Necro doesn’t probably need the tree for its summons to damage since all of them are single-target based and seek the mob. But kinda required if you’re interested on spreading the decay de-buff.

But then again, wiz 3 won’t give any much other than faster casting time.

Edit: Edited for more clarification

FP so you spread the decay every 4 pulls? If you’re talking general DG pulls. The shog follows behind and you and spreads decay to the whole room.

As for other comments. In practice not that good. As I said before the cryo is a fine pick if you’re running with chronos in the party. The CDs are just just excessive otherwise. Solo it’s pure meh for nec3s. Wait for a FP so you can cast your 2x 20cd FCs without getting interrupted?

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shoggoth is a seperate decay from flesh cannon/pole and they stack.

have you ever even tried partially charging flesh cannon?