Tree of Savior Forum

Linker > Necro build?

Can someone help me here? I wanna try a Linker >Necro as my first character, i’ve totally no idea on what to do so i thought that maybe someone could help me with the build, can you do it? :X

Depend on what you plan to do, but all need to be SPR build:

  • Farmer: Wiz 2 > Linker 2 > Thauma 2 > Necro 3

  • Summoner: Wiz 2 > Linker 2 (or 3) <-> Sorc 2 (or 1) > Necro 3

  • Old Cryo build (not as good as before: Wiz 2 > Cryo 3 > Kino 1 > Necro 3.

Note that farmer is pretty hard to handle since the time you can use Hangman’s Knot + Swell Body your skellies might had killed the linked mob, you might have chance to do that on Hunting Grounds tho.

Sorc is necessary to do the summoner build? Or, i mean, will it be useful when I’ll be a necro in some ways?

And about stats, if i screw up the build, can I reset it then?

There’s no other minion class on Wiz tree, only these 2, so for a Summoner build yes, those 2 together.

Also, it give more damage since you have an extra minion, and the damage from Sorcerer Summon is higher than the ones from Necro.

You can reset if you pay for the reset potion, I don’t remember how much it cost, also, if you are starting now, after some Lvs in your Adventure Journal, you can get a Reset Voucher (this reset your whole class progress, but you get EXP cards related to it up to the current Lv you are), Reset Stat/Skill potions.

For minion builds, SPR is the required, as it increase the minions damage and some of it’s defense.

So full SPR? Or i can put some Con point?

since your pets are going to be hitting everything for you and be hit for you… .I’d say that you don’t NEED con unless you feel REALLY squishy (maybe wear plate in the 4 slots?)

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Linker 3 fits in a Summoner build because of Spirit Shock’s attribute factoring your SPR, which you need to dump points into if you want to rely on your summons’ damage. There is also at least Thuam 1 for Swell’s attributes and bonus magic damage(which contributes to your summons’).

For a new player maybe, but as @jengo_g said, the summons will do the tanking and damage in your place.

I suggest you to try and complete the collections that give HP first so you won’t bother much with CON on your next chars too.

If you are luck and get SPR and CON gear during leveling that is good.