Tree of Savior Forum

Linker Joint Penalty how does the dmg work

So when i got 5 monsters linked,

I throw flame ground on the ground, that hits all the monsters for 1k dmg. Does it mean that each monster gets 1k dmg and splits 1k dmg to another monster which makes every monster get 5k dmg in total on each monster = 25k on total group dmg wise?

Anybody knows?

What you see is what you get

For AoE land deployments such as Flame Ground, they would still only get 1k. It used to work the way you suspected back in CBT, but they’ve already changed it.

For AoE Ratio based attacks such as Energy Bolt, there seems to be a doubling effect for those that are both inside the AoE and linked.

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So for pyro, linker seems to be useless then? because aoe doesn’t get effected?

Fireball - benefits from Joint Penalty since it has a fixed AoE ratio. It can also be a link target so you can pull it together with the enemies using Hangman’s Knots

Firewall - benefits from Joint Penalty because each hit it deals is single target. So instead of dealing 17 hits (at Lv15) split on different targets, you’ll deal 17 hits to all the targets assuming they are all linked.

Flame Ground & Fire Pillar - benefits from Joint Penalty because it allows you to hit targets outside their AoE. And for Flame Ground, it also allows you to hit flying enemies (which are unaffected by Flame Ground) by sharing the damage from non-flying enemies.

Hell Breath - lol idk

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Ah thanks
