Tree of Savior Forum

Linker: how linker works (review/criticism)

(forgive my poor English, this is not my native language)

The end of the linker

I read something that surprised me and discouraged me from playing. as a player I want to make a topic about it, even if perhaps no one call or to solve something, I just want to say…

I have a Linker rank 3, this is my main character and do not feel like
having any other different class as the main character, common and known overpower wiz3ele3, cataphracts, ranger / fletches and others. I like my unusual char, i love the linker.

But Linker, has gone through many changes, is very different from the CBT I played. Many, many followed nerf, the most nerfed class this game and some nerf I can even understand, okay, no problem.
Nerf: nerf is a change to a game that reduces the desirability or effectiveness of a particular game element.

Changes (CBT to TODAY):
Joint Penalty Increase cooldown for 15 to 22 seconds. Some
skill effect that should be going through the Joint penalty are only
working in KR version, A SINGLE AND SMALL EXAMPLE, like blood bath through the joint penalty copythelinkhttps: // v =
IyhKTAJanyI, but this does not it happens here.
Note (pvp): Very easy to resist, disable, remove or just stay immune to the joint penalty in pvp. Using some items, away or skills.

Knot: Increase cooldown to 10 to 15. They lowered 1 second restriction time for skill point is 0.2, 4 seconds at most. BUT NOT PREVENT THE ATTACK TARGET SKILLS OR USE. Often monsters resist the effects when does a great connection with monsters 8-10, 1-3 monsters are not caught by the hangman’s knot.

The attribute Hangman’s Knot: Additional Damage copythelinkhttp:
// sometimes and do not know
why, when trying to make the link between balls of fires and monsters, and use the Hangman’s knot, tHEY DO NOT jOIN, the fireball passes away, even if the joint penalt continues, the hangman’s knot should join. So I have to turn off the passive attribute Hangman’s Knot: Additional Damage.

Note (pvp): Bind time does not work, I’ve never seen anyone Bind for this skill for more than 1 second on pvp league. Very easy to resist the effects, sometimes when it does not, is only a small effect, but people still in the same place. I KNOW, I have ever faced LINKERS ON THE OTHER TEAM and felt sorry for them.

Unbind: only serves to pvp and sometimes does not work or disable “cancer link” (physical link).

Physical Link: Kill your team, if you hate your team search the dungeon, it is very useful, joke, it is really useless.

Spiritual Chain: it is not all buff that pass through the chain spiritual …

People start acting very weird and scared when they see your health bar increases, but hitpoints life remains low, the first thought is dying, but are not dying, it’s just life increased. This ■■■■■ the way to play my team in the league pvp.

summing up:

Linker has only 2 skills, Joint Penalty and Hangman’s knot !!

It is the class that suffered most penalties, nerfs and other things.

So I went on the site and saw the trash this news “Plans Regarding the re-balancing of Certain skills”. I thought, cool, re-balancing of Certain skills you need to have many classes in many strong pve and pvp, giving insane damage with little cost and low cooldown, crownd control almost infinite duration. BUT NO, IT’S JUST ONE MORE PATCH FOR NERF LINKER. again …

“Additional attacks will no longer be possible against other monsters
que are bound by Joint penalty. Only the initial monster will receive
additional attacks against the damage from though even skills from Those attacks will still be registered to the other monsters.”

What is the point of having caught this attribute Hangman’s Knot: Splash Defense, the AoE will no longer function. give my money back npc!


Play solo mode, which is my favorite, it will become impossible, I will depend on the goodwill of other players if I want to walk the 260+ level maps, maybe less.

In pvp, Joint penalt someone with 4 fireballs will not kill him, as the hangman’s knot can not hold for more than 0.1 seconds a player.

Linker 3 rank, like me, can only play as a team and with minimal function, because no one will wait 22 seconds to join the mobs. A Swordsman to taunt, do a much better job.
note: the number of players of this game fell sharply as well.

I have no reason to continue evolving my main character, and without my main character, and I have no reason to play. I will be hoping that the IMC. do not do anything stupid again.

thank you to read it and comment if you feel your class was weakened too.


I have a Wiz C1 > Pyro C1 > Linker C2 > Chrono > and future Sage (i feel forced to change from Enchanter to Sage because of the last nerf).

I don’t mind the increase on the CD, in all honesty it is a good balance to the class.

Again, this i am fine with it but…

This is the biggest problem on the skill now, it is basically useless, specially to players like me, who have to deal with high latency.

I lost the count how many times i died to being hit by 8 linked monsters because my skills sometimes don’t cast and i have to recast it.

Is this that issue where you use HK and the FB get kicked away? If so it is a damned bug.

I won’t comment on the other skills, since 2 i find useless and the other i don’t have any experience.

Now about he changes made, if it was for PvP, i would totally agree, but for PvE this is a huge mess and it make the class even more useless.

You forgot also to mention that JP now have a hit count like Concentration from Swordsman class, after 100 hits the link dissolve, that after Lv 180, is pretty useless, because many mob have 100k+ HP.

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I’m pretty discouraged aswell with the nerfs.

Did start a solo auto-attack wizard
4 lines of damage + burn from ignition rod, high attackspeed from chrono and aoe cappability through linker.

But well, the nerf especially the higher cooldown and the limited hit count just doomed it. So, no need to even level it further.


This post is really old. The way Joint Penalty worked back then is different from the way it works now. Back then, Joint Penalty had exceptions like not allowing AoE damage to multiply when hitting linked enemies. Now it does that.