Tree of Savior Forum

Linker>Featherfoot build with Cryo3 or Cryo1>Sorc2? Tell me your opinion

So, I’m going to make one of this builds as my next char, what do you think is “better”?

With Cyo1 and Sorcerer 2

Or way more CC with Cryo3?

Linker 2 and Feather are not changeble.
Keep in mind that Feather is close range, so the debate is more about with is better, CC or dmg(?) with sorcerer for this build??
I’m going to benefit more from with one?

Thank you in advance.

The second build Featherfoot is much better. Featherfoot doesnt work well with sorcerer. Featherfoot abilities use tons of SP and are single target so linker really helps. While sorc the smaller sp pool you have the better.

Wiz 2 > Linker 2 > Sorcerer 2 > Featherfoot. Surespell is better than Cryo 1 for Featherfoot.

CC is good for Featherfoot and can replace Surespell if used correctly, so your second build might be pretty good for featherfoot. The problem is you lack damage.

Currently cryo3>linker1>sorc1 with a rerolled character. Before, I tested it out with sorc2. And before that, linker2.

Its been a real trade off. Sorc2 doesn’t add much offensively since summoning level provides only a marginal damage increase compared to character/card level it would seem. It provides a lot of situational utility, however, including making your summons DPS more reliable on non-bosses.

Might make a more detailed guide after rank 7 if it would be useful enough. So far enjoying this reroll the most of the 3.

I’ll throw my vote in for the second build. I can’t think of any outright synergy between FF and cryo/linker, but its a decent offensive cap on support-heavy build.

I think the first build could probably work too, but I’d recommend you follow moises_andre12’s advice and drop cryo entirely for wizard c2. Surespell is needed if you plan to use bloodsucking without being interrupted.

I also vote for build #2, with the same thoughts as Mayday.

I recommend taking at least 1 circle of linker before finishing cryo though (either C-L-L-C-C or C-L-C-C-L) since not a lot of people have good aoes to make good use of Frost Pillar at lower levels, while JP allows your team to instantly clear smaller groups.

I see, thank you so much for the replies, I am probably going with the second build.

Actually I don’t know the “most popular” build of FF, so I made this two. If you guys think it is going to work, I’m happy. :smile:
Although if anyone know another build with Linker2>FF without Cry and wants to share, I’ll be glad.

About stats distribution, I know that Sorc dont need spirit, but in the second build there is some need of it? Like most of points in INT/CON and a little in SP?

First, don’t worry about “the most popular” build, I think being diverse and having your own build is way more admirable than being a dime-a-dozen cookie cutter character. Just by having Linker2 you’re already rarer than at least 50% of wizards out there.

For the second build tbh there’s no real difference except that in the first build you absolutely do NOT put in any SPR, while in the second build you can add as much as you feel is necessary. So what you said (Mostly INT/CON with a little in SPR) is probably right on point.

You’ll basically just want a big enough SP pool to go through a few CC/damage rotations before your SP pot cooldown is up. Once you reach and maintain that balance, SPR becomes quite unnecessary unless you have skills that scale off it.

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I went cryo3, KINO1, linker 1 ff. The single rank in kino gives INSANE utility. Teleport drops aggro to get a full snow rolling off, and gives you access to the psy pressure combo. Teleport is probably the most underrated wiz skill I can think of honestly. Since build two could use a bit more damage, I’d encourage you to do the same