Tree of Savior Forum

Linker + [Damage Dealing Circle]? (Noob looking for next classes)

Hey guys :slight_smile:
I started playing like 4 days ago and Iā€™m currently Wizard-C1, Pyromancer-C1 and Linker-C1; Iā€™m currently lvl 65, Linkerlvl10, so there is still some time to decide, before I get to C4.

A little bit to add: I will probably not get high lvl, as I got limitted time, but I donā€™t want to play a charakter, that feels weak, bad or useless, so I want to make the best of my limitted playtime.

The thing is: I love the Joint Penalty skill, so I had to take Linker at some point of the game, which is, ironically, as soon as I was able to.

However, I feel like I donā€™t really do a lot of damage - And I want damage.
I want to play a Wizard-Class, dealing damage, while also having Linker at at least C1.

First question resulting is: Is it possible to play a Linker, while also dealing serious damage in PvE? [I probably will not go into PvP]

I also want to be somehow supportish, so that people might take me into dungeons. I have been to that lvl50 dungeon, like, 3 times now and someone called me/linker op for what I was doing - And that felt kinda good [admit it! :smiley: you also like hearing you are doing good (with being claimed op ofc)]

However, sticking to the linker class in C2 or C3 makes me feel like I will loose sooo much damage from other circles, and Iā€™d like to not go to C3. I could probably take C2 at some point, though.
[I heard that spiritual link is op - but why? Arenā€™t buffs always shared with the whole team? (At least {most of?} the wizard buffs do and I have no clue about other classes buffs) - Plus, 8 enemies linked with JP sounds cool, too.]

I had a look at the Elementalist Circles, and those really do look like fun to play and seem to add a lot of damaging skills. But I read somewhere that Elementalist should have a WizardC3, but apperently I wonā€™t do that.
So the second Question is: Does Elementalist require WizardC3 to be usefull?
Quickcast seems really good on that, but due to my limitted playtime, I donā€™t want to circle Wizard three times, because it feels utterly lame to play.

As I already have Pyromancer on C1. Is it good to circle that once more? I read somewhere, that Pyromancer class falls of lategame, but I will probably not reach endgame.

Next thing is: I also feel like the Thraumturge circle sounds good for dungeons, but again: No damaging skills. And I donā€™t feel like running around, linking, buffing and doing auto hits all the time. I need some active skills with impact, so that I donā€™t feel like a walking buff-machine.

And to make it even more difficult: THE GAME HAS A CHRONOMANCER CLASS! Hell yeah, I looooove chronomancers in other games and Iā€™d love to take it, buuuuut: No damage. Again. Only buffs and debuffs - and as stated above - I donā€™t wanna end up a buffing-machine. But, wellā€¦ itā€™s Chronomancer! Thatā€™s so cool!

I did not really take a close look at Sorcerer, Alchemist, Necromancer, Psychokino and Cryomancer. I somehow donā€™t really like summoning, Alchemist is not a class for me, Necromancer is something I do not really want to play, and Psychokino and Cryomancer are able to access early and picking an early accessable circle for C4/C5 kinda makes me uncomfortable and unhappy.
warlock and Featherfood both sound kinda cool, so those are both an option for me taking, but nothing I despretly need to do.

I have constructed some ideas for my circles, but I am not that much into the game by now, leaving me clueless about ā€˜what is goodā€™ and ā€˜what is not so goodā€™ in not only terms of classes, but only in terms of damage/hp/mana and so on.
Let me just put some ideas of mine here (I think itā€™s sorted from ā€˜high damageā€™ to ā€˜high supportā€™), maybe someone might say ā€œexactly that build should suit youā€:
Wiz > Pyro > Linker > Ele > Ele > Ele > Warlock
Wiz > Pyro > Linker > Pyro > Linker > Trauma > Warlock
Wiz > Pyro > Linker > Pyro > Linker > Ele > Ele
Wiz > Pyro > Linker > Pyro > Linker > Chrono > Chrono
Wiz > Pyro > Linker > Ele > Ele > Linker > Warlock/Ele
Wiz > Pyro > Linker > Trauma > Ele > Ele > Ele
Wiz > Pyro > Linker > Trauma > Linker > Trauma > Warlock
Wiz > Pyro > Linker > Trauma > Chrono > Chrono > Chrono/Linker

My stats are probably bad, though, since I ended up having skilled INT[70], some CON[32] and a little bit SPR[20].

Soooo let me sum up my wall of text:

I am Wizard C1, Pyromancer C1, Linker C1.
I want to deal damage.
I want to be taken into dungeons - and not just because ā€œwe need a fifth personā€.
I want some active skills, so I feel like having an impact on fights.
I donā€™t want to end up a buffing-machine.
I do, however, want at least >some< support skills (even though I think Linker might be good enough for my needs)
Iā€™d like to play in group (though havenā€™t found one), dealing AoE damage
I am not sure how PvP works on ToS, so letā€™s not focus on PvP for this build
I donā€™t want to start again, so Wizard/Pyro/Linker is set in stone
I will probably not even reach lvl 150/100, so Iā€™d like to not circle the same class 3 times in a row, as I want some deversity.

The build I am looking for does of course not have to fit for all of my needs, but at least some would be cool. I just want to enjoy the game, while not being the one who being kicked out of the group for being useless.

So - that being said, I am truly thankfull for everyone answering (or even reading only)!
I highly appreciaty any kind of tips for a new player though, in terms of items, stats, skills and - of course - classes and circles.
Thanks a lot!

What u think about


honestly i dont like so much pyro since is outscaled at late but have great synergi with linker at mid game and pyro 2 make it funnier, then u need to think at late, u have to discard the option elementalist cause u never going to do more dmg than a wiz3-ele3-wl,

So the other option are going supp
wiz-pyro-linker-linker-chrono3 all will love u but isnt a dps class

and maybe another option is going for necro2, but necro2 also loves wiz3 for qc with flesh cannon. not necessary but helpfull a lot.

So i think your best option is going supp or the first build i said.
With wiz-pyro2-linker-sorc2-wl
u will feel so much good with your templeshoter and rotations with your pyro skills and at the late the dmg of warlock and templeshooter skills in sorc2.

Thank you for your response!
I heard (and watched some videos on YT) about the summonā€™s KI being bad and unreliable. Besides, I donā€™t really like summoning that much. But Iā€™ll surely keep that in mind.

I imagine not having as much dps as a C3-Wizard/Ele/WL, but is it really such a huge difference if I just go C3Ele/WL from now on? Is it notable?

Necromancer looks kinda wierd to me. Collecting corpses all the time? Hm. Maybe, if no other solution can be found, I might consider this.

If I go full support now, meaning Llinker2/Chrono3 - Donā€™t I have wrong stats for that? Isnā€™t Linker/Chrono supposed to max CON? Because, as stated, I put quite some points into INT and I have no clue if high INT is any good for Linker2/Chrono3. That would be a waste of stats thenā€¦ /:

In the case of sorc, the bad IA is fixed with the circle 2, that gives riding and hold skills to move the summon. Stats for this build is go 2-int 1-con, spr remains useles for sorc, but u spend only a few points on spr so it isnt a problem.

In elementalist it is a 50 % more dmg notableā€¦ and the QC reduce time to cast in some skills soā€¦ yes i thinkg its notable.

For supp its true the build is more focused on CON and some spr points. But supps are utility and the skills gives that so yep maybe u will have 2k less hp if u start to invest now in CON but i think this shouldnt be a problem.

edit: forget!! u can buy potis to get necromancer corpses soā€¦ yes it turns waste of silver but u dnt need to be always collecting corpses. Im now wiz3-link-sorc-necro future necro 2 and im happy for now with my choices. Maybe i will miss warlock damages at rank 7 but i have to test it.