Tree of Savior Forum

Linker - Cryo - Kino - Feather - Summoner

Hi everyone, is this a viable Combo?

Wizard - Linker - Cryo - Kino - Feather - Sorcerer - Necromancer

I was thinking about a build where every rank would support each other. i.ex.

Cryo and Kino for the Icewall Combo, together with Linker for party support and even more damage, since you can link walls too. Featherfood for the survival aspect and another fast hitting channel skill. Necromancer’s Flesh Cannon is generally a very strong Multihit Skill that combos well with Linker and again with Icewall+Joint Penalty.

Sorcerer… I was undecided about the 6th rank could go Necro2 here instead of Sorcerer1 or take another level of linker, although it’s not really appealing, seeing that additional levels in linker skills don’t benefit much from skillpoints. And the sorcerer level helps if you are in need of another tank or Temple Shooter since it hits multiple times. A viable option would be to get Necro2 though for an even stronger Flesh 'Cannon + Hoop, but the Skeletons do fixed damage and don’t scale with stats.

All channel skills are being supported by summons which tank for you in order to not get interrupted.

Would this build work for all PVE content and endgame, like Earth Tower? The damage options are mainly achieved through the 1 Linker Rank and Icewall + any of the multihit dmg spells and summons from the other classes.

Stats: Full Int, with a little bit of Con.

Also, since Veritas seems to have witnessed such a combo, but with Linker3 instead of Sorc and Feather - @Veritas , what’s your opinion? Does it still work, even with only 1 linker rank or is that not enough/a thing of the past?

(1) Linker 1: your link JP is broken non-stop.
(2) Ice walls: your walls is broken TOO fast, but the problem is:
Ice shards: you maybe think that: “OMG it’s awsome, too overpowered (damage)”. NO! Actually, ice walls isn’t AoE damage spell (shards can hit once)
My suggestion: take pyro2 instead of cryo-kino (since you build full int)

Currently building one myself a bit different then yours.

About linker

But what i found out was, that linker 1 is useless. Chains break in dungeons before monsters die, the stun is to short, and 5 monsters is just to little to really matter much. With solo leveling it’s also kinda frustrating as you always have a bit more then 5 monsters on you.

Linker 2 is a lot better, as the hit cap before it breaks is doubled, which makes it actually usable, 8 monsters linking is a lot better, and spiritual chain will give you ( if you group up with a wizard in a dungeon ) free 50% cast speed( basically wiz3 without the dmg buff ) on your flesh cannon. It also shares other buffs to other people etc. Really good.

I personally go linker level 3, just for the sake of uping the hit cap, as flesh cannon will hit a lot of times with links it’s going to break fast specially if other people are also nuking the targets. 10 links ( with monter gem 11 ) is also something i really want to have.

The stat share is just a bonus, as i see it.

About icewall + pp

I really like the burst and the cc it provides, but i do agree that level 5 is just to weak, you need a higher level. level 10 would be the sweet spot but frankly cryo2 rank is not something i would want to dig myself into.

So in order to make your ice wall a bit more better you can buy a audra staff +2 cryo skills for +7 wall, and put a monster gem into it if you want. to make it +8. That’s going to be the sweet spot with links on the wall through linker as you will hit 9 walls then. ( i just bought my audra staff and i like it ). Also the 15% more freeze chance is going to be useful for cc wise while nuking large groups.

Just switch it before you place the walls, and switch it back after.

So cryo isn’t going to be the issue here.

Now I understand the statement about walls and links breaking fast too. I did not know that links have a hit count. And also Featherfood is probably not going to matter much, since it has no aoe ratio like PP?

So would Wiz1, Cryo1, Linker3, Necro2 be better? I don’t want pyro within my build. I heard it has bad scaling into lategame.

Wiz1/Cryo1/Linker3/Necro2 = Stronger Necro Attack Spells vs Wiz1/Cryo1/Linker3/Necro1/Warlock1 = more attack options. I guess Warlock brings more power and useful spells than Necro2. But does WL combo well with Linker/Cryo? Or is the Necro2 variant better?

Surespell cannot be shared anymore :<

Did not know that, i will adjust it ty.

what i currently build is wiz1/cryo1/kino1/linker3/necro1.

Reason for this is.


Linker 3 gives you full support in groups, so that already makes you wanted.
10 links without monster gem and 160 hit cap is going to be good, as necro flash cannon hits 16 times over 10 links = 160 hits. It will sync well, also great for solo play with ignition rod and group play obviously.

Spiritual link for extra buffs, and the stat buff as bonus.

Cryo: syncs really well with linker, because ice spike will freeze and cc + burst a lot of the monsters, link them up chain + ice spike loads of damge + freezes on them. gives you basically 4 sec stun from linker and another 5 sec from freezes on ice spike. Good cc solution, also frost bolt works well on harder single target monsters to chain freeze them.

Ice wall + pp is just godly, really good 1 minute aoe group monster clear solution, + massive cc with audra staff + high burst on dmg every minute.

Kino for pp obviously but also for teleport as it unaggro’s you from monsters when you use it, really good way to keep minions off you when you start to channel through ice wall. Also PP is really useful with linker + cryo besides ice wall.

Link monsters + pull them in with stun + ice spike to freeze them = 5 sec cc + pp = loads of damage on all links and monsters.

Then you got necro to finish the build off, necro is used for flash cannon mainly. There isn’t much reason to move into necro2, the reason for this is because necro one provides all the hits already, it doesn’t hit more like fire ball the higher level it gets, its base damage is just lower. But because you are a linker and you can actually cc the targets on a spot for 4 seconds on rank 3 + ice spike if needed, your damage will be really high.

If flesh cannon hits for lets say 3k a hit = 3x16= 48 x 10 links = 480k dmg on all of them.

It also helps that flesh cannon is a 20 sec cooldown skill, your links are on a 22 sec cooldown, so it syncs really well. Its basically your got to go burst skill.

I personally use a ignition rod high refined, for the burn effect as it does a lot off additional damage with auto attacks to kill monsters fast for solo play.

This will provide you with boss pressure / loads of pressure on groups of monsters and ofcourse linker 3 for full support.

The pets of necro, are just a bonus and not your main focus.

I hope this helps.

I would drop necro 2 for kino1 any day.

Oh wow I forgot the Kino rank in my comparison earlier, my bad. Yeah ofc Necro1 at the end then. So just like the build that was mentioned by Veritas in his Earth Tower 10 Clear Thread a while ago.


I made this one a while ago… but was not sure.

Thanks for the feedback so far and telling me your experience with the skills and how they complement each other. Good read and detailed explanations. Makes me more confident in starting a class that I actually want to see through to the end. So far I had no luck with that. But wanted a versatile Class that does not rely on very long cooldowns to pull anything off (tried Krivis C3) and brings some more combos to the table than a cookie cutter build (Ele3/Wiz3).

From where did you get the 160 hit number regarding Joint Penalty? I did not see anything like that mentioned in the tosbase build simulator.

And regarding Spiritual Link buff share, doesn’t the buff limit get in the way? I mean if you have no Krivis in your party…

Yes it’s also where i got the hint from when it comes to this build, i didn’t saw anybody with the build before, before he suggested it. But i didn’t understood half of it, i just did moved in blind and i must say i really like it so far.

About the links. somebody on the forum tested it, and it was 10 maximum links each level, with a standard of 10. So it’s about 150-160.

If you mean the buff on your buff bar, then no, its on the second row not your main row where the spiritual link appears.

spiritual link is a complete different link, not connected with joint penalty. It’s a bonus nothing more, joint penalty + hangman knot lvl 15 is what you get linker 3 for.

Also spiritual chain has a attribute that gives you extra seconds of uptime, so as teh cooldown is only 55 sec, you can already get it non stop with just level 1. Not sure what you would do with the other points tho, maybe unbind is interesting for additional damage. I didn’t got it as i never had a reason to eve use it. physical link is kinda interesting if you want to teleport people around with you. So a point in that isn’t that bad.

So Spiritual Chain’s feature that it shares buffs with all party members is not affected by the buff count limit (5-7 max buffs) without a token or Krivis Dainos? That’s good to know… I thought these shared buffs would also appear on the 1st row when using Spiritual Chain… but I’ve never tested it so far.

Oh and regarding the 160 hit limit, that means that leveling up Joint Penalty has more uses than just the amount of links, since 10-15 only gives +2 links. Very nice.

One more thing tho, you mentioned Physical Link. If I want to take advantage of that neat little trick, should I drop points from Hangmans Knot for it? I guess 5 levels are enough in Physical Link.

Alrighty. I’m gonna give this a try and will have lots of fun, hopefully :smiley:

Link monsters + pull them in with stun + ice spike to freeze them = 5 sec cc + pp = loads of damage on all links and monsters.

Nice Combo. So that’s the other damage option besides the Necro Skills.

Copied R1 buffs go to R1, copied R2 buffs go to R2. The only buff that you can copy at R2 is Running Shot afaik.

That gives a maximum of 5 seconds added into duration, but it also increases cooldown by 5 seconds.

Alright… so to take full advantage of Spiritual Link one would have to have a Token or the Daino Buff from Krivis.

spirit chain buff stays on the second row of buffs, the buffs it clones will be on the rows that they are originally would go on the normal person so first and second row.

If you want physical link drop points of out spiritual link as even lvl 5 will have enough time to keep it up at all time, the stun is far to good to be lowered. And it’s not like linker has that much skills to spend point on anyway.

Heres a 2nd opinion. Honestly I don’t often encounter issues with links breaking using lv5. Its been hard to test how hit count interacts with various amounts of linked mobs exactly because they die before JP expires. Earth tower is a special case; 50 hits on five links definitely won’t cut it there. Very rarely does this happen in other dungeons though.

Linking 5 mobs is the most you’ll get for the cost of a single rank, whereas with lv10 if you aren’t successfully linking 8 enemies every single time it creates a wasted rersource.

Alright then I take these points out of Spiritual Chain, the duration and cooldown are exactly 55 seconds which is fine. And I want to take this character to endgame content, so Earth Tower is definitely a topic. I guess parties would like someone who offers more links.

Btw. how about some alternatives to Linker3? I think Linker2 is enough for 8 Links.

“1) From the viewpoint of aggro: Alone, your max aggro potential is 5 monsters. With a pet, it’s +3 (total of 8). 8 monsters is exactly how many you can link at circle 2.”

In Dungeons the max aggro potential is 8, + pet 11 though. But I still think that Linker2 is enough durability for the links and 8 links is good enough.

Here are the possible variations:

  1. Cryo1/Kino1/Linker2/Necro1 - Sorcerer 1
  2. Cryo1/Kino1/Linker2/Necro1 - Warlord 1
  3. Cryo1/Kino1/Linker2/Necro1 - Featherfood 1
  4. Cryo1/Kino1/Linker2/Necro1 - Necromancer 2
  5. Cryo1/Kino1/Linker2/Sorc1 - Sorc2 (or FF/WL instead of Sorc2)

Some say that Sorc1 is worthless without Sorc2… but I think once you get used to the (crappy) AI you can deal with it without having to move the summon yourself.Some say that Sorc1 is worthless without Sorc2… but I think once you get used to the (crappy) AI you can deal with it without having to move the summon yourself.

The no-necro route mainly exists because gathering corpses may be a pain in the A and corpse potions cost 500s each as far as I know.

What do you think, which variation would synergize best and is also futureproof? Remember when rank8 comes out some of the rank7 class skills could be moved over to the respective rank8 class.

What you can do is linker 2 + necro + featherfood can also be interesting. when rank 8 arrives you got another rank left tho.

This will reduce your invites for party’s tho, as most people tend to want a linker 3 in high content area as linker support.

What happens here is decay stacking from necro + featherfood which means no matter the target hp, it will always be this result ( doesn’t work on bosses ) so if they have 100 hp or 3 million hp, it will go down that fast lol.

( decays stacking )

I would probably go that way just for the funs, i do not think both of those skills work well together tho, as both relay heavily on links

Featherfood will cost you alot of mana potions tho, and necro costs silver for corpses so yea, going to be a expensive build.