Tree of Savior Forum

Linker C3: Spiritual Chain - Octopus link Attribute (Toggelable)

Currently the way that spirit chain works, the link is so easily broken because player either overestimate it’s range, doesn’t know what it does, or just selfishly doesn’t care for it, jeopardizing a buff that can benefit the entire team; especially when life line is also active.

So what I suggest is at C3 linker, give it a toggelable attribute that when active turns the spiritual chain into a buff on the linker. Where any party member who is close to the linker while the spiritual chain buff is active will be connected to the linker and any other party member close to the linker. And when a party member strays too far, he/she gets disconnected from the link but can reconnect once he/she is in appropriate range of the linker once again.



linker’s spiritual chain is like cleric c3 guardian saint. You need coordinated party or at least people who know how it works.

Currently, I would say there are 2 issues:

  • if you random pt with people, they would just simply ignore it because it’s…lackluster.
    Spiritual chain is limited only for a few buff(and some of them are not even useful)

  • who wants phsyical link with random people? it’s like “let’s share pain together” where some people just plainly dislike it(even though it’s damage reduction is awesome now) or also just ignore it.

other hand though, umbilical cord is awesome but not 100% uptime which makes it flawed.

My suggestion is something like paladin’s restoration aura will be acceptable. Too far and you lose benefit from linker. Not having recast each time but drain SP everytime it’s toggled

Paladin’s way of using restoration was actually how I wanted it to work, I probably didn’t word my suggestion correctly, sorry for that.

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I would prefer if the person who left range was the only person punished, but it’s just one of those things that is much much better in coordinated play than in pubs because pubs don’t understand.

Get a popular enough video to showcase proper usage and you’d see people start using it properly more

Physical Link and Spiritual Chain are two totally different things, I’ve had a few people confuse these and is part of the reason they get upset, but most linkers won’t even take physical link, it should probably be redone at some point.

Yes, I am aware. Physical link to share damage and spiritual chain to share certain buffs.

Physical link was considered “doom link” as that was bugged before.
but now it has been fixed and can reduce damage properly(If you see hogma warrior use physical link, you can see damage reduction and now working properly)

if used properly, it can negate a pretty good chunk of damage and prevent individual to take too much damage.

This is a pretty good idea. I’d also like to see more buffs available to be shared with Spiritual Chain. Linker C2 feels pretty pointless right now, aside from more levels in JP and HK. The only useful buffs I’ve run into have been Quick Cast (too bad it’s bugged), Running Shot (only good for archers), and Gung Ho/Guardian (the former is only good for physical classes and is a detriment to magic classes, and the latter is only good for magic classes and is a detriment to physical classes, and you can’t have both without overwriting the other so rip).

It sucks because Spiritual Chain is actually a pretty cool concept, but so few buffs work with it that it’s only good for Lifeline.

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I hope they fix PANIC in ppl when i share 400con to them. It’s not like i don’t understand how they feel when hp bar become completely black.

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People panic with my Ein Sof too… +100% HP, they think they’re dying, it’s the opposite.
People only see the fact they’re half HP or their screen going red, they don’t even seem to know how much HP they have originally and that having 80k isn’t their usual amount -.-
But at least it’s also fun, seeing them run away like chickens.

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