Tree of Savior Forum

Linker AOE nerf clarification/proof?

I’ve seen a lot of posts and rumors going on of Linker being nerfed in kToS. I know about the datamined CD nerfs and all but I plan on going C2 so that doesn’t affect me as much.

The AOE nerf (AOE damage not hitting twice on linked targets) is pretty big and would make me reconsider Wiz3, so it would be good to know before launch. Anyone have proof or source of this? I can’t seem to find any English patchnotes that mention this particular linker nerf.

I’m not so sure as far as seeing someone make a video about the nerfs, but the nerf was to prevent AoE from forcing Joint Penalty to strike each individual target that the AoE hits. Thus it would multiply the AoE skill’s damage done. It was a harsh yet necessary nerf towards elementalist especially, but it was going to happen eventually.

Edit: However AoE Skills that strike in a path can still work with joint penalty, like Electrocute and Ice pike.

Edit2: Found it!!

Not that, the nerf to aoe dmg was after ktos goes live :worried:

You can see Flame Ground didn’t tick twice with Joint Penalty anymore.

Thanks for the research! However, the patch notes simply state that the number of targets linked by joint penalty was nerfed, not that the targets already linked would take less damage (or at least that’s how I’m reading it). And yeah, it makes linker better with single target, that’s why I’m curious.

That’s a ninja nerf (fix), there are no patchnote as i remember :slight_smile:, like the channeling spells fix back then.

I see, thanks for the video! I don’t think it ticked twice before, didn’t it just tick for twice the damage once? Regardless, thank you for this. There’s surely a lot of youtube stuff if you know where to find it.

No, it ticks twice before:

RIP the dream :frowning: Time to look into single target spells then.

Any1 have any actual data on the joint pen then?

At lvl 5, is it still 5 mobs? Is it 15 sec cd?

What about at lelve 10 and 15? 8/10 mobs? cd?

I love linker but I would reconsider if they changed the cds too much… Aoe nerf I think we had coming, linkers are still good however.

CD was nerfed to 22s. Targets are still the same iirc.

22 secs huh? Well, still viable I suppose but not as OP as before… Ah well. I’ll have to live with it ^^Thanks a lot @bivvles

Nerfed the main and almost single skill of a class…
Why didn’t they increased cd on HK instead of JP?
Why need cd on HK even?
I’m really doubt about Korean brains now…

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pretty weird, “Joint Penalty: Reduction in the number of targets that may be linked at once.” whats the actual amount of targets changed to this debuff? Ninja patches are kind of dubious :confused:

I think they will unerf it at some point

They did. Also they reduced root duration of HK by ALOT (from 1 +1 sec per level to 1 + 0.2*level).