Tree of Savior Forum

Linker 3 stats questions

What stats should I get to pass on with Lifeline as a Linker3?

I suppose the only real options are either full CON, full SPR or a split between the two? Anything else I’m missing?

I guess CON is preferable, but what going full SPR would entail?

People generally stay away from SPR as the alchemist potions later on are so ridiculously potent that a handful can keep you going for a long while, and you can spend your stats elsewhere. If people aren’t gunning for PVP, they generally gun for as much STR/INT as they can reasonably get while surviving.

I am aware that nobody gets much SPR, that’s why I considered getting it to add value to my Lifelines!

Full CON would give huge max HP, but with a 30 seconds duration and considering most people already have enough CON, not sure how useful it would be.
Full STR I’d cross out since I wouldn’t have the 10%/rank bonus anyway.
Full INT would provide marginal increases and to Wizards only.
Full DEX could be a thing, dunno.
Full SPR (or just very high SPR) could work, I’d give a 30 seconds buff to Max SP, SP regen and SP potion effectiveness that could be used to burst or decrease down times.

If you transpose (Thauma’s skill) from full INT to CON you would have way more CON (due to INT’s 10% per rank bonus) than any other class. If you share it with Lifeline - everyone will get it, BUT they still will have to be healed to max and duration of lifeline is very limited.

That can be used to quickly restore HP at bonfires for whole group tho. Con also boosts “Block” stat when you wear a shield.

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Put a Rune of Giants on top of that and you have CRAZY ammounts of HP lol.

But yeah the issue remains imo, since the duration is so short to be worth healing that much AND most people already have enough CON in their builds anyway.

now add Swashbuckling and Ein Sof buffs on top of that.

[quote=“miyasaki003c, post:5, topic:214285”]
But yeah the issue remains imo, since the duration is so short to be worth healing that much AND most people already have enough CON in their builds anyway.
[/quote]It still boosts natural regen, HP pot efficiency and cleric’s heal efficiency:
if you had 10k hp and got boosted to 30k, then you’ll heal at least 1500 hp (5%) per tile instead of 500. Current HP stays the same when buff duration ends or you manually dispel it.

Now what we need is a HP% damage skill for swordies like RO’s Matyr Reckoning lol.

About your previous post, I think boosting SP regen is better IF we have a healer in the group. Otherwise, yeah cutting downtime is nice.

Buffing block is nice but I think all the classes that wear shields already have quite high CON anyway. (and not many classes wear them)

Duel a Rodelero, ask him to shift your stats from full INT to SPR with Shield Bash, and then Lifeline… damn it doesnt get any easier by the minute :slight_smile:

Just FYI, my build atm is going to be Wiz3>Linker3>FF(?) not sure on r7 yet.

Any Linkers 3 out there would like to share their experience? I suppose it’s not a very popular class choice but after trying out Linker1 I fell in love lol.


To all non-linkers, what stat would you like to get from Lifeline?

I am heavily considering going 1:1 CON/SPR, giving out max HP/SP, HP and SP regen, healing and potion efficiency on both ends, block, magic defense and CC resistance (is this confirmed?).
Also with Wiz3 I’d be passing around Quick Cast and decently big Reflect Shields as a bonus. I guess most wizards either have or don’t need QC, but it could help the cleric classes.

Just fyi, Lifeline is on a 60 seconds CD and has a 30 seconds duration.

classes with percentile sp drain on skills will hate to have you in party ^_^, especially sorcs that get their natural regen halted.

That’s true I guess :confused:

Any other classes with % based aside from Sorcs and Kinos?
I am assuming it would be quite helpful for Swordies and Archers since they have very low base SP and usualy don’t put any points in SPR.

I guess I could forget Wizards and go full STR to benefit 2 of the 4 classes? (and monks/paladins too I guess)

you will probably end up with less STR than those classes anyway. Give up there is no middle ground: you should either go full CON (to boost group survivability for a limited time) or full INT (to boost damage/heals of those fat wizards and clerics).

You could go full dex to boost the DPS of str classes and everyone’s dodge. Most only put a few points into dex due to multihit skills scaling better with STR.

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Correct me if I’m wrong but the stat calculator from tosbase says I will get the 10%/rank increase in strength even as a wizard?

I was aways under the impression that it was only INT, can someone confirm?

Should be easy enough to confirm, any wizard rank5 or more in game could check if their strength is higher than 3

you get both regardless of archetype.

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I believe you are missing the point that Lifeline combines the highest stats from everyone who’s linked. You don’t have to get a maxed out stat yourself in order to Lifeline to be useful.