Tree of Savior Forum

Linker 3 spirit shock or FF3 for boss killing?

I heard spirit shock (especially for full SPR builds) is amazing for bosses but can it beat FF3 for boss killing? Choosing between the two for rank 10 actually.

What is your build?
Because you can incorporate both into your build easily.

I’m now wiz2>link2>thauma3>ff2 full spr.

Ff3 has kundela slash double hit attribute.
Say you get to hit 777k or whatever damage cap is at rank 10, you will be at half your damage potential if you dont have ff3.

I think I’m not that geared enough to reach the damage cap. I mainly use kundela and bloodsucking for farming so far the skill rotation is good enough to kill the 8 swelled mobs in HG 340.

I have 5k matk with all my thauma buffs for now. I saw a video of a 6k matk link3>psych3>rc using spirit shock on those lvl358 bosses, dealing 130k per hit (max 16). I’m curious on how much damage can a 6k matk FF3 can deal with 3 kundela (to overheat) on the same boss.

Link to video:

Strictly speaking? No.

Spirit Shock is only single target, and is hard to target when you have trash monsters and boss traps all over the place. Kundela has the advantage of not giving crap about that, and will pretty much kill everything in the way.

Why not Wiz2>Link3>Thauma3>FF3 when rank 10 comes. Drop 1 rank of thauma for linker c3.

I like the full spr build for farming so I’m not going to remove the thauma 3. I never have to worry about my sp and hp while hunting HG. I only go back to town when I’ve reached the weight limit.

Because it’s overkill for normal bossing. A triple cast of double tapping Kundela is more than enough to annihilate most things without tossing Spirit Shock on top of it.

How do you debuff boss monsters to activate the double kundela btw? One needs to be either bone pointing or kurdaticha right for double damage?

Bone Pointing and Lethargy. Linker 2 Spirit Shock also counts as debuff, I believe, but deals pretty bad damage. Lethargy lasts 20 seconds though.

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Because if farming is your main concern, link3 might also be more useful since it can link 10 mobs. You can skill invest enough SPR to make spirit shock strong and might still be able to be self sufficient SP wise. But if thauma3 is what you really want because of swell brain then go ahead.

Choosing between link3 and ff3, ff3 would be better in my opinion.

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Thanks for all your recommendations. I’ll give them both a try when a rank reset is available. Wanna try how much damage increase I’ll get with a lvl10 kundela too.

you cant actually do that at rank 10. you can only go wiz 2 link 3 thauma 3 ff2.

I meant to try linker3 first then if I’m not satisfied then rank down and change to FF3. Then if ever I don’t want FF3, rank reset to Link3.

wiz2>linker3>sorc1>ff3 full spr

ur better off trying wiz1/pyro1/linker3/sorc2/shadowmancer2 its alot better imo plus ull have the support majority of partys are looking for linker is busted :smiley:

No bloodsucking though. I like having that one at least for unli hp when farming. Thauma 3 for the extra matk. Even with budget equips killing swelled HG mobs is simple.
Normal Matk: 3547
With Swell left arm: 4890
With Swell Brain: 5650

Was planning on making use of sorc’s dependency on spr too though. Can you explain each circle of sorc? Will circle 1 be enough?

I want thauma. 1.2m silver for a gold mob, double blessed shards, double primus equipment is nice.

each sorc 2 basically adds the ability to use ur summon skill aoes like gorkas marnox and frosterlord all have pretty stupidly powerful aoes that one shot majority of the things u use it on without much gear investment even without thaum 3 ull be fine but in terms of healing urself there is none honestly with shadowmancer u shouldnt really ever get below 80% hp u one shot like i said with linker and sorc summons lol majority of all the shadowmancer skills hit like trucks so ull be ok but if u wanna do all content u can try my build out if u want to just farm FF3 is alot better it really depends on what u wanna do with the character