Linker have been a pretty strong class, transforming the lowest of the lowest skill in a devastating spell.
But, the combat change patch, the number of hit have been reduce by 10x, the lowest of the lowest are now viable form of dps!!! Soo where is linker now?
I just wanted to point out that with the combat change, one spell receive a indirect buff from linker 3 (Lifeline).
With Enchant fire/lighting etc… Thaum… scalling with both SPR and INT (From what I could find) and the statt having a real impact now. Is it possible we see some viable team comp with it.
The most annoying thing is to keep it up (Not going to far etc…)
But just imagine a Champlain with Full Spr/Int/Dex ? That just 1 example.
Just imagine this team comp.
-Pyro3 > Linker3 > Enchant (Int)
-Priest3 > Champlain > Krivis maybe for dainos (Spr) (Also Monstrance boost Dex… What happen while lifeline and start buffing one after another.)
-Whatever > Reiter 3 (Dex) (Running shot can be share with linker soo… maybe or like for the other guy full str)
-Full Str Swordie/Archer or even Sadhu for transmit Prana (Even more stat !!! … is prana shareable buff ?)
-Cyro3/Chrono3 (Keep lifeline 100% up)
You got a Champlain that hit like a truck and the speed of a machine gun.
A Reiter that also hit the same way.
A Cryo/Chrono that keep everything up. (AND EVEN MOAR ATTACK SPEED)
Massif SpRegain.
Multiple possibility !
Anyway, What you think about link3 after the patch ? Is lifeline still unusable (mostly because it hard to keep it with everyone moving around but … in premade viable ?)
*There might have been some change about lifeline that I don’t know or other change maybe I,m even wrong of on other thing. Just let me know if that the case.