Tree of Savior Forum

Limit Pet per enemie? seriously?

Looks like that after patch even if i have 15 summons in the field only 5 pets agro (if i am lucky sometimes only 3 or 4) one enemie i mean i cant See my 15 summons hitting one enemie at the same time thats how a summoner rush over enemies but no there have to be more enemies to see all your minions fighting Like REALLY? i hope they fix the AI of the summons and give a bit more damage to all of them but plis let them atack all at once or like they said before create a summon general atack button to make all go to that area and reset their agro so they find more enemies

whats the point of having an army if only few are going to atack one boss or elite … pointless
plis fix this As soon as posible X_X

and create items with something like dunno Cloth 15 Int 10 Spr +10% minion damage for clothies would be nice =) and weapons so u can make ur gear set would be nice


I am never made a taunt build or a summon build so i can’t say for sure but there is a limit to aggro you can get.
Those summons also aggro on mobs similar to how mobs aggro on players(in non- dungeon maps iirc).
Without swashbuckling or any other skill which forcibly draws aggro, its not possible to go beyond a certain aggro limit.
Your point is good though which needs to be tested. Try to send a ticket.

No my friend Even in dungeons they dont atack more than 5 and after patch thing that i am happy mobs that are agressive i dont get a limit i mean i can pull like 10 if i want and they follow me to atack me even outdoors so i dont get why they limit the summons its like a bug due before Patch was posible to see all ur minions over a monster …