Tree of Savior Forum

Leveling up. Too difficult if you haven't done it the "right" way

Gaining levels is very annoying at some point. After you reach 170 level and you haven’t grind much also you used all of your cards. You get to the point when getting 1 level takes you about 5 hours of very annoying farm. Maps 170+ has very little mob density and respawn time is way too long. It’s impossible to get level 185 with just questing as maps gain level advantage way too fast and mobs are getting too strong for you, even having token activated

My suggestion is to easy up the leveling. There is few ways to do it: increase exp rate, increase resp time/density of the mobs, make experience card drop not 0,1% but something around 1%.

Skiping Demon Prison grind from 150 to 170 puts you at very bad place. Game is being less enjoyable as people struggling to farm experience. Player base will increase greatly after converting to F2P and leveling will be even less enjoyable.

PS: What I liked in Ragnarok Online is that all mobs give you experience regardless their location or their lvl, they always give the same amount of experience so people are not limited to few maps that they can not like, but they can more around the world killing everything and still get experience. I would love to see it in ToS one day.

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Nah… the game is so easy now… much more than the last closed beta.

I wouldn’t say that leveling up is hard, i’d even say the opposite, BUT, the utterly lack of mob density and awfull spawn times makes it annoying to grind and quest in most maps, that is certain. You jump from bottleneck to bottleneck all the time. Even a single other player on the whole map can already make your questing life miserable, especially for non-full-DPS builds That gets Ksed day and night.

This is the firt time in 15 years of MMO gaming that the first thought that crosses my mind when i come across somebody is :“Oh Sh|t, there’s somebody in the map, that sucks !”. Also the first time since RO that KSing is actually a major issue, each MMO from the last decade successfully found efficient and/or innovative ways to respond this problem, yet ToS doesn’t for some reason.

Sometimes, all the bad game design choices this game bears suggests that the ToS management team consist of vainglorious and stubborn old people that didn’t bother playing any MMO for the last decade, yet still refuses to learn from all the headway and improvements their predecessors have already figured out for years already, on many issues.

As days passes, i find myself less and less convinced that IMC will ever be able to exploit the humongeous potential ToS would have had. This saddens and frustrates me quite alot.

Sorry for the ranting, this had to get out somehow…


This is the firt time in 15 years of MMO gaming that the first thought that crosses my mind when i come across somebody is :“Oh Sh|t, there’s somebody in the map, that sucks !”. Also the first time since RO that KSing is actually a major issue, each MMO from the last decade successfully found efficient and/or innovative ways to respond this problem, yet ToS doesn’t for some reason.

That’s every mmo I’ve played in a nutshell. I’ve never seen one where a proper solution was proposed.

@shoyek agree with the lack of mob density and spawn times.
Sometimes I just want to sit in one field and grind for a particular item or get kill counts. What I do not enjoy is having to run across the whole map (and some maps are pretty huge) to find a place with a decent spawn rate. There’s the odd occasion I run into a field full of monsters, but once I wipe the place clean, nothing spawns for like…what feels to be a full minute. KS isn’t that bad, it’s mostly bots targeting everything so far, but I expect it to get a little worse when F2P comes out.

I’m a cryo2 that relies on mobbing to make use of my mob killing skills, so it hurts the exp grind when there are no mobs. If I can get a mob of 2 or 3, it’s good enough. I never manage to find a team to play with so I end up soloing 99.9% of the time, excluding the dungeon run.

Even a lot of RO private servers were able to come up with good ways to fight Ksing. Try games like Guild Wars 2, Word of Warcraft, Final Fantasy 14 Heavensward. just to name a few successful and well-known ones, you’ll see the différence instantly. FF14 in particular has the best community i’ve ever seen in any MMO before thanks to many great game designs and globaly good ideas.

Perhaps you’re too used to P2W or second zone games, i dunno man, i tend to flee those like the plague !

What games did you play dude to have such bad experiences ?

I really hope they manage to find solutions about thoses issues, because at this rate, when F2P comes out, Between the HORDES of bots and the exceedingly annoying and awfully vocal HUEBR’s, The gaming experience of MANY people will be so bad they’ll give up on ToS in a matter of hours tops…

Not to mention the terrible Steam reviews this will generate, knowing they are being borderline bad already ! Any game or company REALLY wants to avoid a bad reputation on Steam.

Man i fear for this game’s perenity, really… :neutral_face:

For me waiting for the mobs to spawn or run around the map searching for them is the worst experience possible. Sometime it made me turn off the game.

Yeah i feel you man, an hack&slackish game without mobs is the worst idea ever…

I don’t get KSed often enough for me to care enough really so my experiences were fine. As already noted KSing is most likely a big deal because spawn rates are a bigger deal.

I’ve seen “KS prevention” implemented in many mmos. They never work as intended when the act is intentional and the user still has to report for harassment. The funniest prevention methods are the ones on Tera and some RO private servers. Mob exclusivity for example is so prone to abuse it’s hilarious.

I don’t know about Tera (i heard it’s a very P2W though) so i won’t talk on it, but RO private servers owners arn’t even professionnals, most of them are just young men that code a bit. I agree some were bad, but i came across some that were good ( i did a lot of RO Pserv ) But at least they TRY something, Wich Gravity itself never bothered a single second to.

Those are private servers though, the playing field is very different (financially, community wise, the definition of being successful etc.). This game is still in the premature stages anyways. KS problems I don’t feel are as big other things, and at this point it’s more of a QoL change, at least in comparison to everything else that needs to be done.

We can’t talk KS until the spawns are fixed because KS was not a big problem when the spawns weren’t crappy. Sure it was an annoyance, but that’s something that’s more related to human interaction drama and foul play more than abuse. Some people need to be triggered in this game anyways if GvG wars are going to mean anything.

I agree with that almost fully, but you’d prolly feel the KSing issue more heavily if you were playing builds with low DPS output like i do. I’m going to bed, have a good night :slight_smile:

Wtf just honestly how can you guys get stucked in grinding when i pretty much play casually and actually never grind not until lvl. 220 because i know i will run out of quest already.

Not really, if you do your dailies and run mission dungeon in fedimian, you can level fine. Yes it will take you a couple more days, but in the end, you are still progressing