Tree of Savior Forum

Leveling Guide πŸ“• The Complete Guide πŸ“•

Yeah, 80 is enough for me at least

You can stay there until 81.

One of the better runs, but it all depends on your time is
NQ1F->80DG to 100->Missions to 110->110 missions->DPD2.

NQ1F->Constructor’s Chapel to 100~->Missions to 110->DPD2->140/170DG->Igti.

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Nice guide! One advice though, whenever you see someone posting corrections or helpful suggestions, just update the guide or ignore it if you dislike it. Other than that, keep up the good work. Always glad to see people passing on the torch and updating a more recent guide for newer players to use.

I’ve just returned after quitting right after beta (I couldn’t handle the lag haha). This has been really helpful, Thank you!

Yes it is, and u can stay there longer than tenat

In fact u can entirely skip lvl 50 dg and go straight to lvl 80 dg from NQ.

Up to you anyways, do you want to take the trouble and walk, or do u want to just follow quest to tenat and do lvl 50 dg?

isn’t better
nevellet quarry up to 80
mausoleum storage beacon up to 110
dg 110 to 120
demons prison 120 to 170
quests from verkti square up to igti coast + grind at alemeth up to 240
and so on

Igti Coast mobs have too much HP, I waste more time running around trying to find mobs and going back to city to get blessing than killing anything

Id just do lvl 50 dun till 70 then Royal maus lvl 2 i guess? For topaz :3
80-90 i start to go to the mage Tower.
110-demon prison atlest till 140-150.
140 dun i skip 110 dun.
Vekti Square to lvl 200.
200 or 170 dun and then Almeth.
On 220 I go kalejimas visiting room. (Sadly Storage is full of Archer/Mage mobs and the lvl above is full of afk necros -.-)
240+ Inner wall destrict 8 at least thats what i do know …

I dont care about blessing its gone after 10 minutes most of the time …

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