Tree of Savior Forum

Leveling equipment

Hi, during my leveling, I had a message to have equipment according to my level (ex 75) by going to see a pnj for hunting. But now I do not see the message anymore and I do not know where to go on the map to find this quest …
Can someone help me please?

Actually up to level 220, you can get decent equipment free from doing quest. Just do all main quest and at level 40, 75, 120, 170, 220 quest you will receive complete equip, armor and weapon. The armor even got good stat that helps you with the game exploration, like stamina increase.

Then for level 270 equip you should start to farm it. For equip level 270 I think you will get it by killing monster around level 220 quest.

ok, but do you have to do ALL the quests in yellow? or just follow those proposed? since the lv 40 I did not have my equipment boxes …

Well, not all, only the specific quest, but to be safe since some main quests are unlocked by doing previous main quests.

The lv 40 is the one at Nefritas Cliff beating Thornweaver if I’m not mistaken.

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Don’t forget that you get, at level 360, Pajauta’s quest line that give you level 380 gear now.

Keoran Alliance Equipment List/Guide by Palemoon

I also compiled a general new/returning player guide you can view here that covers more about gear, leveling, money making, etc.

Good luck!

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