Tree of Savior Forum

Level 1 - Level 15 items

So with the new maintenance are these level items now useless in game? If you can’t use the auction house or trade unless both characters are level 40, does that make all level 1-15 items just vendor trash? If I buy a token, am I still restricted to use the auction house at level 40?

well, I guess its only bad if you have a single character at low level. Once you have a lv 40 and above character, you can always buy it and server storage it (only if you have token)

I have 8 characters (2 accounts) and only 5 of them are 40+. I want to be able to buy level 15 weapons to make it easier but will work with the starter gear if need be.

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I agree with the leveling fast aspect but I like to make alts and try different class routes. The level 15 gear helps dramatically in the first 2 dungeons since I solo them. But I get to level 30-35 in one day, so the need for level 15 gear diminishes with the gameplay. Thanks for the quick responses. I’ll most likely just vendor the low level gear from here on out. Have fun everyone.

Well, you can buy Sacrament and Blessing from Padonners. They make much more than a equip on early game.

1k-ish for close to 2h of Sacrament and 150 hits of Blessing.

My sh~~ english, hope you understand~~