Tree of Savior Forum

Let's talk about Search a Party mode

@edit to add numbers 4, 5 and 6.

Hello there! I’m currently level 160. I’ve done so far around, I don’t know, thirty dungeons? Maybe more.
Every single time there’s that guy that goes: hey, let’s use search mode!!! it’s like a lot more exp!!!

And everytime I have to say “no”. Especially today, when I’ve waited for TWELVE MINUTES to get a mage-mage-sword-sword-archer party. And I say no because:

1: I’m tired of trying it and getting a full-mage party.
Like 4 times I tried, I went with at least two more mages beside myself.

2: 70% of the time my party gets no healer.
Even my pyromancer can’t handle the bonfire’s fire anymore. (haha, you get it? It was a joke).

3: I simply want to play with my friends
It’s unusual for me to get in the same party as my friends, happened only 2 or 3 times, and our characters were made to play together.

4: Since this error in creating a dungeon instance - in which you find a party but go back to queue instead to into the dungeon -, there is at lest one AFK in the party. Every single time.
There’s also that guy that gets disconnected, but I believe this is not about ToS itself. Is it? I wish we could kick him and get his exp. And his cube. Like a 1/4 talt for everybody.

5: Sometimes there are those guys that goes “let’s rush boss!” when you just wanna level up.
I mean, if you want to rush boss, get your own party. Don’t spoil my run, please.

6: Nobody can stand looking at that “Searching for a party…” anymore.
My fun has been to count how many times I find a party but it doesn’t create an instance.

So, I suggest, to relieve these problems:
1: To be made some tool where we can choose our position in the party, or the position(s) we want to be filled.
I mean, we have the four colors for the classes, meaning four different positions. Maybe we could choose what we want to do in this dungeon, or what we want to be put in our party?

2: To put - if there isn’t yet - some restrictions before the dungeon start, like: to have at least one cleric. Also, create some kind of notification if your party doesn’t have one and a “accept and go in” button.
I would love to see a “to have at least one of each class” and to be able to see what’s in my party before I go in, but I may leave it for later.

3: To be able to enter with my party members.
Some kind of room or whatever where I can be in queue together with them, going into the dungeon together with them. Maybe with the party leader putting everybody in the queue.

4: Putting some kind of button to “accept” the entrance into the dungeon.
Maybe together with the “what’s in your party”-button or the “there’s no cleric”-button.

5: I really don’t think it’s necessary, but in case you want to make it really fancy, to divide the dungeons in full run/boss rush run before entering the queue.
Or, you know, maybe just teach those guys to get their own party. It’s not like they want the bonus exp anyway.

Like, really, put the queue in the background, in some shortcut, I don’t know, but don’t make us stare at the screen for half an hour, please, let us free!!!

*I’d like to add that this whole post has been written while I wait to enter the level 50 dungeon (in my other character, of course).


Yeah I certainly want the queue to be party based too and not just individually based

Like if you’re in a party, only the party lead can apply for the queue and it will register for the party as a whole :open_mouth:

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and put a AFK check where you need to press ready or accept something first before the dungeon start because there’s always someone who’s afk in the auto-made party

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Most of the reason people afk is because the queue takes so long to find party and you can’t do anything while you wait but spam chat or go afk.

Also i noticed there no party options insidethe dungon such as transferring lead kicking etc

I understand don’t want people abusing kick functions for loot or w/e but sometimes very annoying team down by 1 because people leeching exp with no contributions and also there needs to be a way to replace dced/quitters as it waste time for run with no healers. (looking at you missions)

Also I don’t know if still in effect but dcing and reentering dungeon taking up an entry.

I also think each dungeon should have separate entries.

you know it gets even weirder.
I am cleric, and more than about 80% of my dungeon runs with search party have been with at least one other cleric besides me in my team. Sometime I even have 3 clerics.
Also quite frequently I get 4 ppl dungeon runs because for some reason I enter with someone that is DC. How is that even possible. They are not even there to begin with…
but yeah I am sure the search party system is somewhere there in their priority list.

I get a lot of clerics too, but making the lv50 dungeon. Maybe highlevel clerics are rare.

Can’t we have a way to queue to search for a party on background like others MMOs? I think it can solve partially the problem with afk players, because they can do other activities while wait for it (party).

I agree with @Buxbunny about kick functions, sometimes they are necessary.

I think #3 is especially important, at least to me.

Being able to use the party finder as a group should really be a basic feature here. Often times I’ll have 1 or 2 friends who are also online to play with. But we’re either going to be asking in chat for 2 more people or we try to just queue at the same time and test our lucks.

I’ve edited some things in the main post according to what I’ve seen since the last past and suggestions you’ve given in the replies. Thank you guys <3