Tree of Savior Forum

Let's talk about Cardboard Cubes

Before starting, just in case someone still doesn’t know what Cardboard Cubes are, I’ll briefly explain:

These cubes are used to obtain random recipes, mainly for Orange Recipes LVL315.
The only way to obtain them is to enter the Dungeon LVL290, kill the monsters there and drop one of the recipes listed in the link mentioned up here.
Every recipe requires 2x Artilonium and 5x purple recipes of the corrensponding weapon type (example: found in the cubes from the two Boss, in the same dungeon.

Now, onto the main issue: as expected, with the game progressing towards new content (?) old mechanics to obtain certain items are gradually becoming more and more useless, to the point that players are not taking them into consideration, atleast not anymore.
While this is to be expected with new stuff (?) coming out, on the other hand this particular mechanic called Cardboard Cube has become obsolete to the point that we have nothing to do with these recipes anymore.
Nothing, really.

On my server (Fedimian) some Orange Recipes are worth less than one or two Artiloniums, so there is no way a random player will invest 2x Artilonium and 5x Purple Recipe to craft one of these cubes anymore, even less meaning if you take into account that the reroll costs are 500k silver each.
Also, as probably many of you are aware already, the chances to get an Orange Recipe isn’t very high (to say the least) most of the time you will get White / Blue / Purple (really now, that’s crazy) recipes out of them, discouraging players to even attempt at it (rightly so).

Dungeon LVL290 is still a nice leveling place tho, and it’s not that bad even silver-wise, so it’s not uncommon for players to burn their daily dungeons runs there, to stack up on Artiloniums to sell and raw silvers, still, the amount of Card Board Cube recipes you get is totally out of hand.
I have yet to find the courage to move them all on the same character to check how many I have got so far myself, but I have no problem in believing some players may have 200/300+ or more recipes per type, depening on how many characters they run Dungeon290 with, and the worst is you can’t even sell them to the NPC because they’re worth 0 silver.
This is ridicolous to be honest, even white recipes LVL 15 have their own little value in silver, when sold to the NPC.

My little suggestion here is nothing gamebreaking, give them a silver value (or give us any way to recycle them into something useful) it doesn’t matter how much value you see fit, but it’s ridicolous that everytime someone runs a Dungeon LVL290 and gets one of those, it feels worse than dropping a Popolion Meat or a Kepa Stem.

P.S. Now, before someone goes batshit crazy on me, I do know that some Orange Recipes are still worth a lot (Aspana/Emengard Shield/Regard Horn Staff, mostly) but nowadays even these recipes are way easier to obtain from other players, thanks (?) to the new World Boss system, to the point that the Market is filled up with them, discouraging players to invest 2x Artiloniums, 5x Purple Recipes and 1m Silver for a CHANCE to obtain the desired recipes, because there are so many trash recipes in them that the chance to actually get what you want isn’t really worth it anymore, given the new changes.

Please, look into it.

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