Tree of Savior Forum

Leticia's Secret Cube Item List - Updated Jan 23, 2018

Couldn’t you like ,rearrange the rank system, cuz the difference in reward is huge inside a rank

new companion in Gacha system and Other Things for the whales? Nothing out of the ordinary, this and IMC Games, follow life …


As long everyone on itos continue buying those crap loot boxes, they will continue treating non-korean players like second class costumers (why do we have to spent money on goddess cubes for costumes, if korean players can have them direct from shop with tp?). Boycott is the only viable option.

But everyone’s already too much addicted with gambling… Ops, buying gacha cubes! :prince:

Feels bad, man.


Yes, it is. IMC never learns

IMC!! Why would you guys put GORO in leticia cube, why?! :tired:

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Don’t forget the 4532432432 items as well on rank A


@staff Is Goro a limited edition or will he be available in future editions of Leticia Cubes?

So, if you want one specific item from the lottery, here for exemple Goro, your chances are :

A Rank:
3% for the A rank lot * 1 item (goro) out of 16 for that rank

0.03 * 0.0625 = 0.001875
that means you have 0.18% chance of getting Goro per roll

wow that seems fair to me.
it’s not like they made 5 thread just to sell an item you have less than 1% chance to get !

hey you know what ? let’s push a little more :slight_smile:
how many tp do i have to spend to have 100% probabilty to get Goro ?

easy :
10tp a box and 0.18% -> 555 box to get 99.9% chances

so a mere 5550 tp

i know, i know, that’s not how probability really works, some dude is going to spend only 10tp and will manage to get it on 1st try …
the others tho :confused:

here’s dogo in action

well trained imc, well trained !


When they made the leaf penguin… they gave it to everyone for free. That was the good old times, when you could get (limited) tokens, diamond anvils and all sort of goodies from mere events…

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Oh yeah… I just connected to my server (Fedimian). In one hour, I saw 10 people with “WTS Goro Box pm offer” messages. So there is offer, and I bet there will be demand.